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I have decided there will be a sequel. The name for it will be Doing It All For Love because it adds a little spice than doing Silver Lining pt 2. It is summer break and I am now officially considered a Seniorrrr🤭 And honestly I can't wait for November to turn 17 so I can get a new laptop bc my sister broke my last one and I've been writing this on my phone lately and it's kind of getting on my nerves. Bro, I'm really getting past the point😭

ANYWAYS I won't update it today since it's my other sister's baby shower but there might be a first chapter to my sequel tomorrow so just watch out for it. With an amazing audience like you guys, I have to feed you more🤭

And I said plenty of times and I'll say it again I truly love all of you. And not the bullshit love that people just say to say it. You guys truly have places in my heart whether or not I even know your names. Without you guys, this book would be nothing but words. ALL OF YOU gave this book meaning.

In fact if you're comfortable put your names in the comments bc id really love to know them. In case you forgot, my name is Amari.

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