Chapter sixteen

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FOUR UPDATES IN ONE DAY!!! This is like a record for me holy shit! That is how you guys know my life is dry as hell😭 but as always, this is for you beauties so enjoy. And like before it's not a crumb bitch it's a BITE ;)

"You have no idea how good it feels to be outside." Gelina told me, soaking up the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun crawl on her skin. "The warmth of the sun is so much different than feeling it through a window." She added. Price was hesitant to let Gelina outside, but with enough convincing, he allowed her only fifteen minutes. He only allowed it under my supervision, a Ghost's of course.

Ghost stayed a few feet behind us as Gelina sat on the metal bench. "I've been thinking." Gelina told me. Her green eyes stared into the abyss, taking in her surroundings. "Yeah? About what?" I asked, leaning back. The metal table pressed against my back, offering me support. "About Andrei."

"I thought about what you and skull man told me." Her voice grew softer, a hint of sadness sprinkled into it. "He might have tried to kill me if he had recovered me that day."

I let out a soft sigh. "The more I think about it, the more I realize just how right you are." She turned her head to face me. The warm wind blew her jet-black hair in front of her face. "And what are your thoughts on him now?" I asked calmly. "I can't help but still love him."

I nodded my head understandingly. "What about you and the Ghost?" She asked me. "You know what it's like to have completely fallen for someone."

I scratched the back of my neck, letting out a sigh. "I guess I do." I admitted. "Trust me. You will never be first priority." Her tone came off blatant and monotone. "And why is that?" I asked her, feeling somewhat defensive at her little comment. "Men like him..." She pointed at him. "Men like him don't fall in love. You said so yourself." She told me.

"I never said anything about Ghost. I was talking about Andrei." I reminded her, quickly coming to Ghost's defense . "There's really no difference when they're both the same." She brought the cup of water to her lips, taking a low and slow sip.

"They are nothing alike."
"Ask him what his kill count is. He is a murderer just like Andrei. But he covers it up to make him seem like a hero. It's what you do too. We are all the same- the difference is... Andrei doesn't care about hiding it and neither do I."

I let out a sigh, not even bothered that much by her words. "Two steps forward and ten steps back." I said, standing up. "Playtimes over, stand up." I told her.

Gelina huffed as she stood up from the bench. Ghost stepped towards us, placing handcuffs on her. "Not too tight." Gelina hissed. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind." Ghost spoke sarcastically, not adjusting the cuffs. I didn't follow them, but instead took my seat once more. I watched Ghost lead Gelina back into the compound where he would then transfer her to the guards to take her back to her cell.

I stood up from the bench once I saw Ghost exit the compound, making his way toward me. "What did she say to you?" He asked me. "Just bullshit."

We walked to the car, Ghost opening the passenger door for me. I thanked him and slid into the seat. I repeated Gelina's words in my mind, playing it on repeat as if it were a broken record. I didn't know why her words had such a lasting effect on me.

I could feel Ghost rest his hand on my thigh. Gelina's voice in my mind faded as a small smile tugged at my lips. Ghost always did this. Every time we were in private he wouldn't hesitate to kiss or touch me, and I didn't hesitate to accept either. Ace knew about the thing between Ghost and I and nobody else. I even pinned Ace down and made him promise to keep it a secret since he had a big mouth.

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