Chapter three

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"All I'm saying is that I wouldn't fight Roman Reign and The Rock at the same time!" I told Soap and Gaz as they let out a bellow of laughter. We were all in the kitchen, having breakfast while Ghost stayed in the training room. Soap, Gaz, and I were having a conversation about whether we'd fight current or former wrestlers. "That's like fighting two bears!" I added.

Once Gaz calmed down, his brown eyes shifted to mine. "Okay and what if they try fighting you?" He asked. "They can try fighting me but they can't fight these bullets." I jokingly let out a scoff as I motioned toward my gun. "I might not kill them, but I'm gonna make them dance," I added as I brought my coffee mug to my lips, allowing the hot liquid to go smoothly down my throat. The warmth from the coffee created a warm feeling all around.

"And for the record, I would never disrespect Mr. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson," I added quickly as I looked up as if I was looking at the holy spirit.

Suddenly, Ghost appeared out of nowhere as he stormed into the kitchen. "Price captured Galina Sokolov." Ghost briefly explained in a rushed manner. Both Soap and Gaz stood up, their mouths wide open.

I knew the mission was to locate and assassinate a terrorist who planned on leading an attack, but I wasn't exactly briefed with all the information in my short period of being here. "Who is that?" I asked the trio. They each looked at me. "She's basically Andrei's right-hand man," Gaz explained shortly.

"Come on, let's go." Ghost ordered. We followed him outside as we all piled into the vehicle. I sat in the passenger side since Gaz and Soap took the backseat. Ghost slid into the driver's seat and fired the engine.

It didn't take long for us to reach Price, who ended up leading us to the interrogation room.

Price informed Ghost and me that we would be leading the interrogation. I felt pretty excited since this would be my first interrogation. I looked into the two-way mirror, looking at the woman with jet-black hair and bold features.

I turned to Ghost, looking up at him. "So, are we doing this good cop, bad cop style?" I asked with an excited grin. Ghost looked down at me, his eyes clearly judging me. "Can I be bad cop?" I asked as we neared the door. As he put his hand on the doorknob, he turned to look down at me. "I'm always bad cop." He said as he swung the door open.

The woman stared up at us, an amused grin on her face as Ghost and I both stood in front of her. "Save us the trouble Gelina and tell us where Andrei is located." Ghost was the first one to speak up.

I looked at her closely, almost studying her. I studied her body language, and the slight reactions whenever Ghost mentioned Andrei and his whereabouts.

After about ten minutes or so, I cut Ghost short. "She's not going to tell us," I told him, pointing out the obvious.

I sat down in the chair in front of Gelina, looking directly into her eyes. I leaned back in my chair as I crossed my legs. "She's in love with him."

Her face flushed with embarrassment once I pointed out her love for Andrei. "He doesn't give a shit about you, Gelina," I told her. She immediately shook her head as she disagreed. "For a strong woman, you're pretty dumb."

Her eyes didn't meet mine as I leaned forward. "The only thing Andrei cares about is power. He doesn't care about you. He cares about what you can do for him." Her eyes didn't meet mine as I told her the hard truth. "You don't know anything about him." Her Russian accent laced her words. "But I know the man he is because I know men like him. Men like him would never allow themselves to fall in love."

"I'm not saying shit." She spat, her words sounding like venom. I stood up from my chair, not bothering to look at her once. "Let's go," I told Ghost as I exited the room.

Soap, Price, and Gaz waited for Ghost and me in a separate room. "She's no good to us." Ghost told the trio once we entered the room. Price let out a long exhale. He knew she wouldn't say anything, but a part of him hoped she did.

"Well then, you guys are excused." Once Price excused us we headed back outside and loaded into the vehicle. Once we arrived back home, I headed to the shooting range.

I put on the ear muffs and held my gun up. I shot at my target, hitting it perfectly. As I continued on to pass time, I noticed Ghost had come down. "Can't get enough of me huh?" I asked, a cheeky grin on my face. "That's exactly it." He spoke sarcastically as he took the further targets to snipe them.

I decided to snipe also, mainly to distract him. I began rambling about anything really, making him miss a few targets as I made my voice go higher suddenly. "Quit doing that." He snarled. "Doing what? I am just an innocent bystander to your outrageous aiming skills." I spoke innocently. "You think you can do better than me?" He had that competitive glare in his eyes like he did the day we fought.

I could feel the competitiveness rise through me, flowing through my veins. I grabbed a sniper and aimed at my target. We began shooting the targets, his bullet hitting a target before mine.

"I still pinned you down." I reminded him, taking my shot. "I'm still a better shot." He remarked.

"Alright! Fine! You win!" I put the sniper back in place and stood up. "You know how annoying you are? You're like the little sister that never stops talking." Ghost placed his sniper beside mine as he also took his earmuffs off.

"And do you know how much of a dick you are? I've been nothing but kind to you."

"Yeah, because calling me a cunt is kind." He rolled his eyes as he spoke sarcastically. "It was my kindest insult." I spoke defensively. "Look I'm going to leave because you and your big man ego are really fucking up my vibe." I turned around and walked off to prevent myself from getting pissed off.

As I headed to my room, I shut the door behind me and plopped down on the bed. Reaching for my journal, I began writing in it. I started to write down the mixed emotions I began feeling.

Ace was the one who recommended journaling. He told me to write down the words I could never say. And so I did that. This was my third journal. Every single page in the last two had been written in, no page left blank. And once I was finished with journal, I would burn it like I burned the others.

Sounds of gunfire rang through my ears as I quickly shot up. Soap busted through my room, tossing me a military rifle. "The base is being attacked! The Russians are trying to find Gelina!"

I jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the house along with the others. I forgot to put on a bulletproof vest but kept running. I sprayed my bullets at Russian soldiers, killing as many as I could. Bullets whizzed past my face as I ducked into cover.

The adrenaline found me, coursing through my veins. The thought of zero protection added more to the danger and thrill.

Ghost found me, and crouched beside me as we shot down more guards. "Where the hell is your best?!" He questioned. I furrowed my brows, wondering whether or not he was concerned about me. "I forgot it." As I went to get up from cover to return fire, Ghost quickly pulled me back down.

He strapped his bulletproof vest off of him and put it on me, adjusting the straps. I looked in confusion during the whole process. "Try not to die." He said.

"Right back at ya." I finally came out of cover, killing more Russian soldiers. Once the reinforcements came, the Russian soldiers moved out. "Do we still have Gelina, Price? Over." Ghost spoke through his radio as I listened silently.

"Yes. Over." Price responded. Both Ghost and I let out a sigh of relief, my muscles relaxing.

I turned my head to look up at Ghost, a smile tugging at my lips. Ghost's brown eyes looked down in confusion. "What's so funny?" He asked me.

"You were concerned about me, you big teddy bear." I teased. Ghost rolled his eyes as he stood up. "You know you love me!" I called out as I laughed a bit, knowing I would use this against him for the rest of the week.

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