Chapter Thirty-Five

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Like a candle flickering in the darkness,
We found each other.
Although our flame was weak,
Together, it had been made stronger.

Even as the feeling of loneliness soared through the air,
Swarming around my being until it swallowed me whole,
You were there to save me.

A man who hid his face and his emotions.
A woman who covered the pain with smiles.
The pair didn't know that they needed saving.
That was until they found each other.
With their weird ways of expressing love,
They saved each other.

- By me (duh🙄)

Waking up in his arms had to be my favorite. The way his breathing evened as he remained in a light slumber. The way his soft heartbeat thumped from beneath me as my head rested on his chest, his strong arms keeping a firm grip around me. I made zero movements, afraid that even the slightest shift would wake him. He always looked so peaceful in his sleep. His face wasn't set in stone, yet relaxed. It was as if he was more at peace, not even a slave to his own thoughts. I took notice that he hadn't been having any more night terrors.

A soft yawn escaped his lips, coming out deep and only slightly breathy. I looked up at him, resting my elbow gently on his chest to prop myself up. "Mornin'." I smiled softly, looking up at him. He groaned softly, his eyes flickering down to meet mine. "What time is it?" He asked, his morning voice deep and husky.

"Five am," I informed him. I sat upright, allowing Simon to sit up also. "I was thinking about heading down to the training room after I take a shower," I told him. "You want company?" He asked, leaning against the headboard, still slightly covered with the thin blankets.

"With the shower or with training?" I grinned, raising an eyebrow. A small grin appeared on his face as he pulled me in closer, allowing me to straddle his lap. I rested my hands on his shoulders, looking down at him. "I think both would be great," He said. I chuckled softly, gently pressing my lips against his before pulling away. "And I think you're hilarious." I stood up, slipping away from his grasp as I grabbed a fresh uniform. "Shower time is me time. Nothing sexy going on there besides getting clean and awesome karaoke." I joked slightly but still told the truth. "I think your singing is incredibly sexy." He joked.

I rolled my eyes, laughing lightly as I walked toward my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I cut the water on, waiting for the water temperature to turn hot. I stepped into the shower once I stripped my clothes off, feeling the hot water trickle down my skin.

Once I finished my shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. Simon walked into the bathroom to also get ready, wrapping his arms around me as he hugged me from behind. He placed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. I could feel goosebumps erupt on my skin as he gently caressed my arm with the pad of his thumb. I leaned my head to the side, feeling his warm breath against my skin as he continued to press soft kisses against my flesh.

I turned around to face him, resting my hands on the back of his neck. I looked up at him, my eyes flickering to each part of his face. It was as if I could look at him forever. Soak in every small detail from head to toe. And as soon as his lips were against mine it was as if the world slowly trickled away. Every bad thought, everything bad that happened... It all vanished. Each time I felt his touch, I cherished it as much as I could. Love like this, it was always a once-in-a-lifetime deal, and I couldn't allow it to slip away. Not like before.

"You better get ready before I never let you go." I joke slightly. "That doesn't sound so bad." Simon grinned as he looked down at me. "You big sap." I smiled widely as I turned around to finish getting ready. He slipped into the shower as I continued with my morning routine. I changed into my uniform, feeling the thin fabric settle onto my skin as I tucked the hem of my shirt into the waistline of my pants.

I put on the dog tags and the silver band that Simon had given me. "I'll be in the training room," I told Simon once I finished getting ready. "Alright." I heard him say. I left the bathroom, walking into my room to grab my combat boots. I slipped my boots on, tying them into a double-knot.

I headed down to the training room, passing Soap and Gaz who both seemed chipper this morning as they gave me a polite, "Good morning." To which I returned.

I decided to lift some weight and headed toward the bench press. I added weight to the barbells. I lay flat on my back, arching only slightly as my grip tightened around the barbell. I lifted the weight, feeling a burning sensation in my muscles with each rep. I was a pretty strong person, working my way up the scales. Hell, I could squat Soap if I wanted to. Maybe it was because I've had experience in training outside of the military.

When I said my dad was a lunatic, I meant that. The only time we ever hung out was when he made me train for hours on end until I ended up puking. Even then, he would still call me weak for asking for a break.

I could feel my stomach tied in knots and cramping all over my body as I hunched over in agony, throwing up the breakfast I had as a child. It was as if I were a slave to my own mind. Each time I trained, I could hear his voice yell out to me. Telling me to work harder. Maybe that same voice was the reason I worked my way up the ranks pretty quickly. Although he was a major douchebag, I still had to thank him.

I was now on my eleventh rep, making my way up my goal to at least forty or fifty. Maybe my father was the reason I pushed myself further. I wouldn't feel satisfied unless I did. That was when I realized, he really did affect me.

I thought since I forgot most of what happened as a child, I wouldn't need to recover from it. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was still my father's daughter. I had his eyes, his nose, and his anger. "Aye, Knives!" Gaz's voice cut deep, catching my attention. I put my weight back in place before sitting up, looking straight at him. "What's up?" I asked, not bothered to be worried by the way he was smiling.

"Alejandro has a small mission and wants you to join. Do you want to?" Gaz asked me. I realized Alejandro and I never really spent time together or got to know each other. Even then, I did find the guy pretty chill. "Sure, why not?" I grinned. "When do I leave?" I asked. I was kind of bummed that I didn't even get to break out a sweat during my training. "As soon as you can." He informed me.

I nodded my head and stood up. I took the extra weights from the barbell and put them back in place. I met up with Ghost before I left, watching the masked man make a cup of coffee. I tried to sneak up on him to scare him, which didn't work. He looked down at me, slightly amused. "Seriously?" He asked in amusement. "Worth a shot." I shrugged my shoulders as he pulled me in close to him. "I'm about to head out with Alejandro on a small mission. I'll be back." I informed him, placing a gentle kiss against his lips.

"Be safe." He spoke sternly. "Roger that, Lieutenant." I gave him one last kiss before grabbing my things and meeting up with Alejandro.

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