Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/n: 7k reads?! HOLD ON!!!! Let me thank all of you wonderful bitches real quick because I love all of you guys. And your comments make me laugh and I enjoy reading them and I enjoy providing entertainment for all of you beautiful people. Enjoy my loveliesss<3333

A couple of weeks had passed and we had zero leads on Graves' location. During the week I flew back to the States for Ace's funeral. It was a beautiful service and I found myself talking to a lot of his family members, hearing about his past beyond the military. It was great to hear that the military never changed him.

When I flew back to base, I felt lighter. I tried to find the silver lining in this situation. The silver lining was Ace was finally at peace. The baggy Metallica hoodie clung to my body loosely as I crouched in my chair. The flight back to base was long and excruciating. I found myself darting to my room and going to bed once I got back to base.

The morning after felt fictitious. I looked at the time, watching as the bolded numbers read ten am. I had slept through. I pushed myself into a seated position, rubbing my eyes to wipe away the fatigue of the long past few days.

I grabbed a clean uniform and took a shower. The warm water hit my skin, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. I finished getting ready and stepped out of the bathroom. "Hey! I have a thing I need to do, would you like to join me?" Soap asked me as his gaze fell onto me the second I walked into the kitchen. "Is it mission-wise?" I asked as I poured the hot coffee into a glass mug. The cold mug felt warm to the touch as the black liquid filled close to the brim of the cup. "Yes ma'am." He told me as I poured sugar and creamer into the black liquid, turning it into a light shade of brown.

"What kind of mission?" I asked him. I brought the mug to my lips, sipping the hot coffee. "Locate and destroy kinda mission. I already have the location out of the way." He told me. A few seconds later, Ghost and Gaz entered the kitchen.

"Headin' out, Johnny?" Ghost asked, making a cup of coffee for himself. "Yeah, Knives too- that's if she wants to join."

I shrugged my shoulders, dumping the remainder of my coffee in the sink. "I'm down," I told Soap as I washed my cup out. "Alright then, let's get to it." Soap grabbed onto my shoulder, shaking me a little with a playful smile on his face. As Gaz walked past, he placed his hand on top of my head, messing up my hair a little.

I could feel Ghost's eyes on me as I left the kitchen, following quickly behind Soap. I grabbed everything that I needed, strapping the bulletproof vest onto my chest, feeling the familiar weight of the vest.

I grabbed my gun and met up with Soap outside of the car. "You ready?" Soap asked me as he leaned against the Jeep. "Yeah, let's do this." I snatched the car keys from Soap and walked over to the driver's side. "You know how to drive?" Soap asked me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I chuckled as I unlocked the doors. "Ever since you've been here you never drove once."

I fired up the engine, the loud roar soothing to my ears. "Yeah, you're right." I thought back on it. I threw the gear shift in drive and slammed on the gas pedal. I slowed down a bit, once I realized that I was going a bit too fast. "Now I see why you don't drive." Soap has his hand on the dashboard as if he was a mother giving their child driving lessons. "Oh shut it, I'm fast and furious." I grinned. "A little too fast." I heard him mutter under his breath. I laughed a little as I leaned back in my seat, driving more smoothly.

We neared a small compound, staying a good distance away so we wouldn't get caught. "Okay so here's the plan," Soap went over the plan as he showed me a map of the compound that he placed on the hood of the car. "Okay, so we are going to steal the guards' uniforms?" I asked, pointing over the two guards that dressed head to toe in gear. They're faces even remained covered with a helmet. "Yes. You take the east side and I'll take the west. You plant the bombs in these rooms." He circled a few spots on the map. "Take this map with you and don't lose it and don't let them see it." He told me.

Silver-Lining (Ghost Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now