Chapter fifteen

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THREE UPDATES IN ONE DAY?!!! How very unlikely of me, I know. This chapter is a little short being only a little over 1200 words but it's fine. It may be a liiiiittle cheesy but that's alright. Enjoyyy:))

Sunlight poured into the room, the golden glow making Ghost's eyes look like a warm pool of honey. Ghost's baggy shirt draped over my body, way bigger than my normal shirts. His large shirt rode up my thigh as Ghost's fingertips traced my thighs, holding me in place. I was seated on top of him, his back pressed against the bed as he looked up at me.

We had been like this at the crack of dawn, waking up in each other's embrace. My fingertips traced the scars on his chest as I dipped down, to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "Fuck you're beautiful." Ghost breathed. I could feel his warm breath on my lips as he whispered softly.

I smiled softly against his lips before reconnecting my lips with his. Each kiss felt like the first time. The way fireworks exploded inside of me or how my chest felt heavy like I was in a cheesy romance movie. His lips felt so perfect against mine. His hands felt so perfect around my waist. Everything was just so perfect.

"I don't ever want to leave this room," I said. Although Ghost and I didn't have sex last night, just lying there on his chest was amazing. Ghost caressed his thumb on my thigh, the pad of his thumb moving in gentle circles. "I don't want to either." He admitted.

I wished we could stay like this forever. The same golden glow of the sun shining down on us, making the moment even more astonishing.

"But..." He ruined the silence, speaking as if he didn't like the words that were going to come from his mouth. "We still have to go to the second location today." He told me. I groaned as I bent down, plopping my forehead on his chest. Ghost chuckled softly, placing his hand on my back as he rubbed gentle circles.

"I know- it's the end of the world." He chuckled as he spoke sarcastically. "It is," I grumbled, pushing myself back up. Ghost must've thought I was planning on getting off because his grip on my thigh tightened. "Don't worry big boy, I ain't leaving." I grinned softly.

Ghost relaxed under me, laying his head back on the pillow.
I soaked in this image of him. His muscles relaxed as he lay still, his bare chest and scars exposed, his dog tags dragged to the side of his chest, and his mask lifted slightly. Oh how I could get used to this.

"I'd hate to ruin the moment. But we have to get ready." I told him. Ghost let out a groan and I laughed softly. He trailed his hands up my waist, as he pulled me closer to him. "Just one last kiss." He spoke in a breathy tone as he crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was slow and soft, with just enough roughness to make me want more.

My hands rested on his chest as our lips continued to move in sync. Slowly, we both pulled away leaving a few inches of distance between us. I crawled off of him and planted my feet firmly on the floor.

I grabbed my clothes and left his room, feeling his eyes on me. I quickly got ready, dressing in uniform. I placed my dog tags under my shirt as always, feeling the dog tags rest in the valley of my breasts. I took one last look in the mirror, giving myself a little wink before exiting the bathroom.

I bumped into Ace, who stood there with a little smile on his face. "Didn't see you in your room last night." He told me, giving me a look as if I'd been caught. "Did you two do it?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow, pretending to be confused. "Do what?" I asked in fake innocence.

"You know..." His eyes widened, gesturing something. "Bump uglies... Did he shove his key in your hole?"

I quickly slapped his shoulder, my mouth dropping in shock. "I do not partake in such activities." I quickly spoke, jokingly obviously. "Oh please... Was it big?" He asked me this time more seriously.

"I didn't get to see it. But I know it is." I grinned. "Yeah, he does give big dick energy." Ace pointed out. I laughed as I pushed him to the side and stepped past him.

Ace was the first one to leave. He was heading out to help take the missile apart. Everyone was geared up as we moved out. The second warehouse looked similar to the first one. I made sure to bring my night-vision goggles this time.

It didn't take me by surprise when Ghost acted normally and treated me like everyone else. He was different when he was out on the field and I knew that. But even then, I still couldn't help but catch Ghost's eyes, only sharing a second-long look.

The mission went fast and easy. We grabbed our partners and used the same tactic as last time. We took down a few soldiers here and there and made our way to the basement. There were small crates scattered around just like in the last warehouse. I took it upon myself to check the crates, only seeing small weapons. But either than that, there was zero sign of a missile anywhere.

"Well, this sucks!" Soap groaned. "We need a little positivity. Knives, what's the silver lining here?" Ghost asked me. I thought about it for a moment, realizing that this had become a thing between Ghost and me. "We knocked two of the locations out of the way at a very quick pace," I told them.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Gaz smiled softly as he threw his arm over my shoulder. I could feel Ghost staring at us intensely as Gaz dragged me along with him. "Your callsign should be Sunshine instead of Knives," Soap told me, a little smile on his face.

"I would take my gun and shoot myself in the head with it," I told him, earning a few chuckles at my little comment. We informed Price that there was no missile and we loaded into the car.

I sat in the backseat between Soap and Ghost. I scooted closer to Ghost, my thigh touching his. As the ride continued, Soap and Gaz had both fallen asleep. Price's eyes were on the road, soft music filling our ears. Ghost's fingers intertwined with mine as he held my hand, his gaze still on the window, as he watched the landscapes pass him by.

I smiled softly at the gesture, leaning back in my seat. I could feel Ghost's thumb rubbing gentle circles on my hand, the feeling soothing me.

I let out a small yawn and soon fell asleep along with Soap and Gaz.

The feeling of something dipping beside me had woken me from my peaceful slumber. My eyes opened slightly, the blurriness fading quickly as my vision began to focus. I realized that I was now lying in bed and it was Ghost who lay beside me.

I moved closer to him, gently resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me, holding me closer to him.

I could feel him plant a small kiss on my head as I buried my face into his chest. "Night, Sarge." I heard him whisper softly. "Night." I mumbled, still half asleep.

The warmth of his body heat soothed me. I could hear his heart beating softly through his chest. His chest rose and fell softly with each breath he took, as his breathing evened out. Soon enough, I had fallen fully asleep also.

Silver-Lining (Ghost Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now