Chapter Twenty-six

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A/n: This chapter is a little over 1000 words so it's not a long chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyyyy. I don't think I took long to update, but either way I don't keep track of time.

I made my way down to the training room, knowing Ghost would be there. He seemed pretty upset about last night and all I wanted to do was clear air. As I pushed the door open, I stepped inside. The smell of sweat and faint air freshener wafted through the room, filling up my nostrils with the familiar scent. My eyes trained in Ghost. He was at the bench press, lowering the bar close to his chest. His large muscles flexed with each rep. The bright lighting dawned on his muscles which glistened due to the sweat beads that formed.

My eyes traced his tattooed arm, only a half sleeve. I sucked in a breath and stepped forward. "Ghost," I spoke up, my voice slightly rasped. He stopped his movement, placing the bar back in place. He sat up, leaning over as he pressed his elbows against his knees. His brown eyes flickered up, staring me up and down.

"Listen- about last night-" "Save it. I don't care." He snarled as he stood up. "Nothing was going on last night. I don't know why you're acting so jealous," I spoke in disbelief at his actions.

"Because it's only been a few weeks and you're already straddling a guy let alone Johnny." He raised his voice and I scoffed. "For such a huge ego it is so fragile. I don't even know why I even bothered trying to explain anything to you. Keep in mind that you broke up with me so I don't owe you shit." I spat as I turned to walk away. I could hear his footsteps from behind, a tight grasp on my wrist.

Ghost yanked me toward him, his eyes glaring into mine. He looked down at me, his dark brown eyes full of anger. "My ego is far from fragile. And also keep in mind that I will not hesitate to kill any man who even looks at you."

I couldn't decide whether to be turned on or angry. Who was he to tell me that I couldn't be with anyone else? But I could feel my core throb as he looked down at me, his right grip now loosening. There was something completely wrong with me. I wouldn't let him know how badly I wanted him right now. "I am entitled to fuck whoever I want," I told him as I narrowed my eyes at him. For a second, there was a dangerous look in his eyes. A look that I knew too well. The mixture of lust and anger that flickered in his eyes like a single flame.

He tore his mask off, pulling me closer to him as he crashed his lips against mine. The kiss was rough and lust-filled, much different than the many others we shared. This was different because we haven't been this close in so long.

His large hands grabbed my hair, pulling my head back slightly, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck, pulling him closer to me- if that was even possible.

The alarm blared through the silent room. I pried my eyelids open, looking around the room. Hues of orange and yellow poured through the curtains, creating a warm glow. It had only been a dream. I brought my fingertips to my lips, still feeling his on mine. I cursed myself under my breath for how badly I missed him.

The dream felt all too real. The way his hands tangled into my hair, tugging on it slightly. The way his lips moved so perfectly in sync with mine. How he kissed me roughly, telling me how badly he wanted me without having to say it.

I rubbed my face with my hands, trying to rub away the fatigue and exhaustion. I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I only hoped that getting ready would preoccupy myself with not thinking about the dream. But it only helped so much. My mind still wandered, feeling the weight of his lips on mine. I looked down at the silver band and grabbed it, feeling the smooth silver against my palm. I neatly placed it in my dresser on top of my neatly folded jacket. Hopefully, that'll do me some good.

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. The house seemed rather quiet and I figured everyone went out to carry on with their duties. I didn't have much to do, which left me here. I suppose I could pay Gelina a visit. It had been a while since she and I talked, and I found myself missing her company.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and made breakfast. Sitting on the stool, I began to eat, reading the book in front of me. A range of emotions coursed through me as I continued with the book, Johnny Angel, feeling sadness at the seventeen-year-old boy's sudden death.

"Where is Gaz and Soap?" That familiar voice asked me. His voice was raspy and deep due to waking up early. I looked up at him, that feeling sinking deep into my stomach as the memories of the dream flickered in my mind, playing throughout my head like a movie. "Don't know." I kept it short, feeling myself getting flustered. I looked down at the book, not wanting my eyes to meet his.

"About last night..." he began. I could feel my heart sink into my gut with those three words. My eyes flicked up to look into his. "I had no right to assume you and Johnny were..." He trailed off on his sentence. He cleared his throat, straightening his posture. "Anyways, I apologize." He said.

"It's alright," I assured him, finishing off my breakfast and cleaning off my dishes. "The bracelet. You're not wearing it." He pointed out. I looked down at my wrist, bare from the absence of the silver band. "Oh yeah... I put it in my dresser." I told him. "Right. Okay." He turned to walk away, heading toward the training room.

I leaned against the sink, letting out a long sigh. At this point, I didn't know how to feel. I felt a little hurt and I wanted to feel angry. But I couldn't.

Overall, I missed him. I missed waking up to his soft snores, watching the soft glow of the sunrise settle on his bare back, which moved along to the rhythm of his breathing. I missed the weight of his arm slung over me when he held me close to him. I missed the warmth that his body provided on the nights that were cold. I missed the sleepy hums he hummed in my ears whenever he was half-asleep, practically music to my ears. I missed him.

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