Chapter Twenty-nine

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Paper trails. That's all Graves left us. Once we felt close enough, something always got in the way. It had only been two days since we found his dog tags at a site near Las Almas, Mexico. Price told us he knew friendly forces down there so we switched bases.

"It's been a while since I've been to Mexico." Gaz huffed as he shoved his duffel bags into the carrier. We took our seats in our personal aircraft. The aircraft was nice and had enough space so none of us would be squashed. It was practically first class but without the fancy shit.

Soap and Gaz played cards, making teasing remarks toward one another. I put my headphones on, listening to the song through the earbuds. The familiar song, Down The Line by Beach Fossils calmed my nerves. I leaned my head back against the somewhat comfortable seat, enjoying the music.

I don't want your Wall Street
Don't got no degree
Written on the concrete

I tapped my fingers softly against the armrest, closing my eyes.

Couldn't really tell you
What I'm trying to find
Everyone's so boring
Makes me wanna lose my mind

Even with the music, my thoughts couldn't help but wander. As much as I wanted my mind to be blank, it couldn't.

So call me up tonight
If you need somewhere to get out of the light
These days I feel like I do nothing right
So come with me and we'll go down the line

It felt as if my brain was in a game of tug of war. I wanted to not be able to think at all. Each time my mind wandered it never stayed on one topic. It went to Graves, Ghost, and leaving Task 141. The other part knew that without my thoughts I wouldn't have much of anything. In some ways, my thoughts are what kept me sane.

I'm thinking of you fondly
When I'm on the train
I really hate your poetry
You hate mine the same

I tried to pull my mind back toward the music. Listening intently to the lyrics.

So call me up tonight
If you need somewhere to get out of the light
These days I feel like I do nothing right
So come with me and we'll go down the line
These days I feel like I do nothing right
So come with me and we'll go down the line

As the song began to slowly come to a stop, my eyes slowly opened. Ghost sat in front of me, a book in his hands. It was the book of poems that I had given him to kill time. I tugged my earbuds out of my ear, the soft music getting drowned out. "You like the book?" I asked him, my voice soft. He looked up, nodding slowly. "This quote here, it might have to be my favorite."

I leaned forward, waiting for him to tell me. "So bright the flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark. Through every gray cloud- you, my one and only, were my silver lining." He finished reading, closing the book slightly.

I smiled softly. I reached down in my bag, pulling out the silver band, rubbing my thumb along the engraved words. "Let me." He said. His large hand clasped gently around my wrist. Goosebumps erupted under his touch, a shiver shooting up my spine. He clasped the silver band over my wrist, adjusting it so the engraved words were on top. "Better." He whispered.

"Hey! You two wanna join?" Gaz asked us from the other side. "Uh- no I'm good." I politely declined, giving them a small smile. "You wanna play Ghost? It's a really intense game of Uno." Gaz offered.

"I'm good." Ghost declined also. He swapped seats, sitting behind me. His light scent of familiar cologne wafted in the air, bringing me comfort. I grabbed my earbuds, holding one up to him. "I'm going to introduce you to a new world of music, my friend." I beamed proudly, pressing a random song.

The calm and relaxation of the music took a hold of my body as the fatigue began to settle in. Between packing and getting onboard to an early flight, I had been exhausted throughout the whole day. I closed my eyes, the music still playing in my ear. My breathing slowly evened out as I drifted off.

~Ghost's Pov~

I listened to the music intently, each song a different genre. Some music, I never even expected Knives to listen to. This is the closest Knives and I had been since the break up. I didn't exactly know how to act.

I couldn't deny how badly I missed her. How much of an idiot I was for breaking things off. I couldn't deny the panic that settled in when I realized how vulnerable I was with her. But when we were apart I became even more vulnerable.

I looked over at her to see her head leaned back. Her eyelids were shut, her eyelashes looked long and full.

I gently took out the earbud from her ear, and leaned back in my seat, turning off the music. Soap made his way toward me, sitting down in the seat across from mine. "Gaz is asleep too." He grabbed a water bottle, taking a long drink.

I rested my elbow on the arm rest, leaning my head against my hand. "We're closer to finding Graves. That means Y/n is closer to moving back to the States." Soap said. I let out a sigh, nodding my head. "I know you want her back and I know she doesn't want to leave."

"Then she can stay." I spoke quickly. "You know she won't do that. Not unless you admit that you're in love with her."

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Leave me the fuck alone, Johnny." I turned to look away. "You may fool yourself, but you're not fooling us." He stood up and walked back to his seat beside Gaz.

I looked over at Y/n, who slept peacefully. I knew I wasn't fooling anyone about the feelings I had for her.

I wasn't even fooling myself.

Silver-Lining (Ghost Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now