Chapter twenty

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I'm sorry if my chapters have been crappy lately, I feel as if my writing is slowly getting bad😭 I hope you guys are enjoying this story and if you have any feedback I am open to hearing it. Enjoy my beauties🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

The feeling of rough fabric harshly wrapping around my face, knocked the breath out of my lungs, nearly suffocating. I thrashed against the harsh grips on me, feeling another pair of hands grab onto me, pushing me down to the ground. I could feel the rough, dirt floor beneath my stomach as I could feel my hands getting zip-tied behind my back. "Strip them of their weapons." A male voice said, his Russian accent lacing his tone.

"Knives!" I could hear Ghost's voice call out. "Fuck! Over here!" I struggled against the strong grasp on me, but to no avail, I couldn't break loose. Eventually, I gave up, feeling the man drag me to my feet.

After a short time of walking, I was immediately brought to my knees, my kneecaps making sudden and harsh contact with the ground. The bag over my head was immediately ripped off of my head, my eyes darting in all directions. On the left side of me was Ace, who knelt beside me. On the other side was a Russian soldier, acting as a barrier between Ghost and me. Ghost, Gaz, and Soap knelt on the right side of the Russian soldier, while Ace and I knelt on the left side.

I looked over at Graves who stood beside Andrei. "You ratted us out." I spoke up, my eyes glaring into Graves'. "Yes, yes I did." He had an amused smile on his face as he stood tall.

Andrei walked closer to us, humming in excitement. "I'm guessing it was you guys that stole my first two missiles huh?" Andrei asked, looking at each of us. "Don't worry. You'll regret what you did when I'm finished with all of you." Andrei told us.

"Actually..." Graves spoke up as he stepped forward. He quickly pulled out his gun, aiming it at Andrei's head. Before Andrei could speak up, Graves quickly pulled the trigger. Andrei's body collided with the floor as his knees buckled beneath him. My eyes widened as I turned to the soldiers, who stood there. "They never liked him anyway," Graves told us, a sickening grin on his face.

"What the hell is this?" I questioned, anger bubbling up inside of me. "You need a step-by-step?" Graves asked me. He squatted down in front of me, his eyes looking over my features. "Get away from her!" Ghost thrashed through his restraints. Graves chuckled softly as he turned his attention toward Ghost. "Don't worry, I won't kill her. I have other plans."

He then turned his attention to me, his smile only widening. "I take over Andrei's soldiers, I take this missile, and then I kill your friends. Simple right?"

I pursed my lips shut, my eyes still glaring into his. "Oh lighten up! Someone had to get the short end of the stick." He laughed. "Now... Who would like to die first?" He asked. "Fuck you!" I spat. He clicked his tongue three times as he shook his head. He pointed his gun at me, the silver barrel only inches away from my forehead. "That's not very nice." He spoke sarcastically.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I heard Ghost yell. Graves quickly moved his gun to the side, pulling the trigger. The loud gunshot rang through my ears and I could feel something whack the back of my head.

My vision blurred as I fell forward. My eyes connected with Ace's as his body thudded to the ground, his eyelids slowly closing and opening. "No..." I muttered weakly, feeling my consciousness slowly slip away from me. Blood slowly dripped from Ace's parted lips as his body slowly jerked. "Grab them!" I heard Graves yell.

My eyes connected with Ace's as his body stopped moving altogether, the life leaving his eyes, the once soft brown eyes turning dull and lifeless. Slowly my consciousness faded, darkness surrounding me, wrapping around me like a warm blanket.

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