The Academy

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this sucks. really. 

after i was declared as the last heir of the armstrong bloodline i was always kept inside the castle at all times, i wasn't able to enjoy my life, even going to the mall i was surrounded by guards, as my advisor would say "this is for your own good princess." AND IT IS A HASSLE! good thing yuki was here to keep me company or else i would have completely lost it a long time ago. 

"Beckyyy! come on! we are late! don't even take the advantage of being the almost queen by going late to this academy!"

 i rolled my eyes at her antiques, she was beyond excited coming with me, i insisted to my advisor that she attends the same school as me to keep me company so that i wont be alone there and good thing she agreed. i dragged myself while holding my umbrella as i went outside the castle i squinted my eyes at the brightness of the sun, it has been a while that i saw the outside world and man was it refreshing i took a deep breath and went inside the car.

" you do know i hate school, right?" i said to her and she scoffed, "oh please..i bet you'll find some handsome boys-" i looked at her sharply and she gulped, " r-right, i bet you'll find some BEAUTIFUL WOMAN to possibly become your other half. you cant lead alone you know." she told me and i just sighed, yeah i'm gay so what? it is acceptable in our kind as long as the person is willing to stand for their responsibilities.

"still, im not even into that leading the whole clan kind of girl yuki, i dont even know how to act, speak, and behave like a princess much less like a queen." i looked out the window and she tapped my shoulder,

 " hey....don't worry, i know you'll do great armstrong and im sure your parents are happy to see you grow up as a fine woman." she smiled and i held her hand and smiled, " thank you for being here.." she smiled, " of course! i'll be here always..for lady.." she burst out laughing and i can't help but laugh at her, at least she is here for me as i attend this school. 

this year wont be as bad right? 

* arrives at the academy* 

i looked at the academy and i can say, its BIG like literally big, and there are alot of vampires roaming around the field, at least i can walk around and not being cramp up inside a room doing nothing. 

" come on!" said yuki and she opened her umbrella and so did i she was being giddy and jumping up and down and i rolled my eyes at her. 

"welcome! to the fiery heart academy princess, i am queen delakov please come in as i will relay all the school rules here in the academy." she smiled at us and we followed her in and as we come in whispers and even stares were right at us.

is she the upcoming queen? 

she looks so beautiful.

i'd tap that.

she looks so small. 

i rolled my eyes at their comments and followed silently behind the queen. 

" this establishment was built by my great great great grandfather and it has been the solitude of our fellow young vampires around the world, this is where you will learn, train, and mold into a strong and independent vampire. now there are rules in this institute and it is mandatory that you follow them. 

Rule no. 1 - Never ever go outside the gates after dark. there are vampires out there that will try to feed on you especially that you are a royal blood." 

" why do they do-" yuki was cut off by the queen as we turned to a corridor and into her Chambers. 

"ask questions later my dear." she smiled showing her fangs and yuki nodded.

" Rule no. 2 - you will follow all school schedules as indicated in your charts in your room and we do not tolerate skipping or late in classes.

Rule no. 3 - you will be assigned with protectors by your side 24/7 to prevent any accidents happening in case of any attacks that may occur in the future, we will assigned the protectors and you will meet them tomorrow.

Protectors? that gave my interest. 

" those are the most important rules to follow young vampires, you may ask your questions." 

" your majesty, what are those...vampires that you say that might feed on us royals?" Yuki asked and the queen went serious.

" those my dear, are the Vendallas. Ruthless. Merciless. cunning. And has no conscience when it comes to killing. Royal blood gives them power and they will use it against us, to overpower us, and take over the dominion we have. that is why, do not stay after dark or they will find you. but do not be afraid we have shields that protect us from them. they cant come in or out. we made sure that all young vampires here will be safe. especially you princess as you are the last heir to the throne, your parents gave me the word that if you will turn the legal age of 21 you will stay here for your safety." the queen said and i nodded. that's why i was put here...

" i have a question, who are these...protectors? are they like us?" 

" dear.. they are like us..but there is one that is a half-blood and she is very skilled and she will be your protector. she a little stubborn and hot-headed but i know you will get along just fine.." she smiled.

she? a she? half-blood? what kind of half-blood? questions are bubbling through my head but i just let it slide for a day as i am getting tired.

" thank you, your majesty for taking us in. well make sure to follow all your rules and have atleast a great time here." i smiled at her and she smiled at me.

she stood up and bid our goodbyes and Yuki went to freshen up and i followed, after we were done we went to bed as we felt the tiredness coming at us and we both took a rest as it will be a big day tomorrow.


HELLOURRRRR!! heehhe i hasss risennn from the deadddd heheheh i hope you enjoy oblivion of the world and tune in for moreeee!! i will update this three times a week if i can i am still very busy on my studies but! that wont stop me from doing my duty as an author! welp! thats it! TOODLESSSS! 

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