Alone with you 18+

771 21 6

Becky's pov:

we arrived at the academy and i said to the queen that i have an announcement tomorrow and she obliged and i got ready for tomorrow. 

i was in my room when someone knocked on my door, i opened the door and freen was there holding a bouquet and smiled at me, " special delivery for Princess Rebecca." i giggled and kissed her cheek, "hello to you too." i opened my door wider and let her in and closed the door and locked it. 

"getting ready for the announcement tomorrow?" i chuckled and nodded and hugged her behind, " mhm..i can't wait to tell everyone that no one has to suffer from that sick rule and that prince kirk and saint guy cant get to their plan." she turned around and looked at me. 

she tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and held my face gently, "you are amazing you know that?" i blushed and looked at her, " and so do you my love amazing, beautiful and everything in between." i smiled at her and hey eyes flick from my eyes to my lips. 

the tension was thick and i was getting hot all over, she was slowly leaning in and i was to, till i felt her lips on mine. 

[smut warning! if you dont want to read this please skip thank youuu <3]

Freen's pov: 

i held Becky's waist while her hands were holding my shoulders and we kissed passionately, it was sweet and slow till it turned to wild and full of desire and lust, i slowly moved backward and her leg hit the bed and i slowly laid her down on the bed straddling her.

i lick her lips asking for entrance and she obliged and our tongue battled for dominance and i won, my hands were roaming around her body and her hands went inside my shirt and scratch my stomach earning a growl from me,  my kisses went from her jawline to her neck leaving hickeys, she moaned softly holding my head asking for more, i stopped and looked at her eyes and it was filled with love,lust, and desire. 

"are you sure you want this tee rak?" she looked at me and smiled, " i want this, and i want to do this with you.." she held my cheek and i leaned to her touch and kissed her more passionately, she slowly unbutton my shirt and opened my shirt and she looked at my body and she trailed her finger over my chest to my stomach, "your body looks perfect tee rak.." i smiled softly, " and its all yours my love.." i kissed her neck and bit on it and it earned a loud moan making me eager to do more, i tugged on her shirt and looked at her, " may i?" she nodded and i took her shirt off slowly. 

oh my fucking god she looks so sexy..

she covered her breast and i stopped her hand and kissed her, " dont hide your beauty my look perfect.." she slowly put her hand down and continued to kiss her, i cupped her left breast and she let out a sigh and her body arched with my touch, i took that chance and reached behind her back and unclasp her lacy bra and took it off and her perky nipples were looking right at me, my mouth watered at the sight and trailed kisses on her neck down to her chest and put her right nipple on my mouth and swirled my tongue around and nip it gently, becky was a moaning mess and kept tugging on my hair to do more, i pinch and massaged her left boob and interchange them giving them equal attention, "m-more freen...p-please.." i smirked and my eyes went red and looked at her and her eyes went gold and red lust filled our mind and body. 

"please elaborate my love..." i grind on her center and her eyes rolled back and her body arched, " p-please...fuck...i need you inside me..p-please freen.." i smirked and my fangs went out and went to her neck and smelled her scent and slowly bit her neck and she moaned loudly, her blood dripping down her neck and i licked it clean while grinding on her. " your wish is my command princess..." i whispered huskily and i let my hand slowly go down her shorts, her ragged breath going on my ear and the pool inside me was bubbling with excitement, i reached down her shorts and rubbed her clothed clit and she moaned, "fuck yes..." she huskily whispered and i looked at her, " are you sure about this?.." she nodded, " yes a million times yes my love..." she said between breaths and i took off her shorts and i took off my clothes and she was looking at me like a hawk i was naked infront of her and she was just watching me in awe. 

i took her hands and let it glide down my neck my chest my stomach down to my legs, "fuck..." she whispered and i smirked and let my hair go to the side and put it near her lips, " eat up my love.." her fangs pulled out and she slowly bit on my neck and a growl escaped my lips and my hands we're doing the work and took off her lacy underwear and spread her legs more

i touched her folds and it was wet, she stopped sucking my neck and moaned and leaned on my neck, " so wet for me baby.." i whispered and she held on to my neck and moaned. 

i rubbed her clit slowly and painfully slow and she looked at me begging, " p-please f-reen.." i smirked, "please what my love?.." her eyes glowed red, " p-please fuck me senseless freen...take me.." she said between breaths, " as you wish.." i slowly put my finger inside and becky's back arched, " oh fuck freen..." she moaned and she scratched my back, " does it hurt?" i stopped and she looked at me and smiled, " a little..but ill get use to it..." i kissed her till she got used to the feeling and i slowly pulled in and out and she moaned which means i was doing well, i moved a little faster and she was a moaning mess below me, " f-reen faster...oh fuck.." her nails going deeper in my back and i moved faster than before and she leaned on my neck and moans and slapping sounds were hid inside the room, i added another finger and her eyes rolled back and i moved faster, "f-fuck f-freen im so c-close.." i rubbed her clit and her head was moving left and right not knowing where to put it and she gripped my back hard, " i-im g-gonna.." 

" cum for me baby.." and like explosion she came and i pulled out my fingers and went down and licked her folds clean as she moaned, she tasted sweet like cherry. 

[smut end omfg, i dont even know how to write a smut but i hope you like it <3] 

i came up and grabbed a blanket and covered me and becky as she was panting. 

" how was it?" as her breath slowed down. 

"that.....was.....amazing...." i chuckled and kissed her forehead and draped the blanket on us as i trace my finger on her shoulder. 

" i love you freen...." she said as she closed her eyes and i smiled.

" i love you too, becky.." i hugged her as i stare at the ceiling, 

tomorrow ends this nonsense. and i will marry her and we will be together..forever...

HELLOOO MY LOVELIESSS! omg! they did it they "popped the cherry" ey i know its a lame joke but anywayssss i hope you like this chapterrr! i guess the end is getting near for this story :( i wanna hear your opinion if you guys want a series for this story please do comment down below ;) i hope you guys hav e anice dayy and for those with opposite time i hope you have a nice night hehe 


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