The Attack of Vendallas

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Shit! Shit! Shit! They've surrounded us this is bad, really, really bad.

"What do we do now Freen?" Jim asked and i turned serious,
" let's split up, Tee, protect Yuki and Becky at all cost. If you get in danger of any sort just call out and i'll track you down." Tee nodded and Becky was hesitating but i kissed her forehead letting her in my mind.

This is me, Freen. Do not freak out it is just part of being mated to me, Go with tee and tell Nueng that we need help we will distract them as long as we can.

She looked at me wide eyed and nodded and went with Tee and they used super speed to escape.

A group of Vendallas came down from the treelines and was growling at us,
"Hmmm....the know you are such a disgrace to your family bloodline right?" He snickered and i smirked and kept my stake up, "Atleast im not a blood-sucking ugly vampire like you." He shrieked in anger and launched at me and i quickly dodged him and tried to stab him but he moved fast.

He shrieked and more of them came in, Jim turned into a vampire and used her elemental against them, i turned into a vampire and used my fireball burning them to ashes,
"USELESS PRICKS!" the guy earlier shrieked and got a syringe in his pocket and injected it on himself and before i knew he was moving two times faster than before.

That is impossible...i said to myself
and i fully turned to my werewolf-vampire form matching his pace, he scratched my arm and i winced in pain and caught his other arm and swinged him up and prepared my stake and jumped up growling at him and stab him right through his heart.
He fell down and he was still laughing,
" you dont even know your fate mutt! You will die!" He laughed maniacally and i held his neck, " see you in hell then." I broke his neck and he fell limped to the ground.

"FREEN!!!!"  Becky shouted and my senses went higher than before and my eyes we're glowing, " Jim we need to go. She is in danger." i turned into a werewolf and went all fours and ran to the direction where the scream came from.

I saw that Becky was cornered by two vendallas and i immediately pounced at them and teared them to pieces one by one, i growled at them and saw Becky whimpering seeing me, i whined at her and lowered my head letting her know its me.

She squinted her eyes and looked shocked, " f-freen?..." I lowered my head and she patted it, " you look....magnificent.." My werewolf form is colored black and my eyes were bright yellow and red.

Tee was lying lifelessly on the ground i turned back to human and Becky handed me her hoodie, "Tee!! Come on wake up!" I was panicking when Tee wasnt breathing anymore, Becky was crying nonstop and she touched Tee's head, "please Tee....come back....." Yuki was crying holding on to Tee's hand for dear life not until we noticed Becky's hand was glowing bright yellow and for a minute Tee woke up and she was.....

Tee was frantically looking left to right and Yuki held her face in place and she calmed down, i smiled a little and noticed Becky getting weaker and i held her.

"Hey......dont push yourself'll carry you home..." Her arms were dangling around my neck and i carried her bridal style and she passed out in exhaustion.

"Freen, you saw that right?....she healed Tee...." Jim said and i nodded, " she is the chosen one after all, but she needs to enhance and improve her power or else it will really take a big toll on herself, now come on let's go." They followed me and we used super speed to arrive at the academy faster.

Nueng approached us and i told her everything that happened and she went serious, "Jim, Yuki, take becky and tee to the infirmary. Freen you stay with me we need to strengthen our defense system. Now." I nodded and handed becky towards Tee and they went to the infirmary.

"You said after he injected himself on whatever the syringe contained was, it made him two times faster than normal?" I nodded, " yeah  i even needed to turned into my half-blood form just to keep up with him." Nueng was thinking thoroughly, " we need to train them more Freen. Or else they will die, especially Princess Rebecca." I sighed and nodded,

"I will teach them as much as i can Nueng." She smiled lightly and tapped my back.

As i was walking through the halls, i was thinking how i almost lost becky today.
I should be more careful of what i do i will kill anyone who tries to hurt my Becky.

I stopped infront of the infirmary and checked on becky who is passed out for what she did. I held her hands  tightly and whispered nothing but sweet words to her.

I will not let the vendalla ruin what i have now. I will kill every single one of them even before they can hurt you becky....

I promise you that....i kissed her forehead and left the infirmary and made sure no one would try to hurt her again.

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