Harness the Elementals

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The Queen summoned me, Freen, Yuki, cher, Jim, Tee, Song, Nueng, Nop, Nita, Phum, and other  students who could harness what they call Elementals. 

i dont even know if i could harness anything, i dont know anything about this part because my advisor never told me i could harness anything until now. 

the queen arrived, and we all bowed down to her.
"greetings! young vampires! everyone here is chosen because of their special abilities to control an elemental. Royals and non-royals alike. so ladies and gentlemen, show us what you got." The queen said smiling. 

Freen went first as she can harness the power of fire, she made a fireball and hit the target square in the center and everyone clapped. 

Tee went second and she could harness the power of lightning and summoned it and hit the target perfectly. 

Jim went net and so on as everyone else. Jim could control earth, cher controls wind, Song could control water, Nop controls metal, Nita controls ice,  and phum earth as well. 

Nueng was one of the  special cases that could control two or more elementals, she harnessed the power of fire and water which makes her one of the powerful vampires in the academy.

The queen clapped at us and urge me and Yuki to perform the same, "u-uhm, y-your majesty i dont even know if i could harness anything. my advisor never told me that we kould harness such things." i hesitated and the Queen smiled,
"my dear, do not be afraid, us vampires has this in ourselves, it just needs a little push to get it out. Focus on one thing that you want the most in your life, focus on the person you want to be, and the person that you want people to know you. now use that feeling and harnessed it into an elemental." she looked at me and i nodded. 

i saw Yuki harnessing the power of water and that made song clapped as she has a companion that has the same powers as hers. 

okay. focus Becky.
i close my eyes and took a deep breath and focus on one thing in my life that i want the most.

I want my family back.....i want to see my family...

my father...my mother...my dearest brother....

i felt a tear rushing down my face but i just let it. 

and now i focused on the person i want to be and the person i want people to know me

i want to be a compassionate, independent, brave, kind queen to all vampires... 

and another image popped into my mind and it was freen's face, her beautiful, peaceful face..her eyes that stares deeply into mine like shes looking through my very soul...i smiled at the image and i felt a cold rush of air and i felt myself levitating..and i opened my eyes and i was floating above them.
everyone has a surprised look on their faces, like they just discovered a new mystery..

" i -impossible...i- i thought this elementals were just a myth...." Nita said and i was so confused .
i looked at Yuki and everyone else and they were mesmerized, even the Queen. 
i looked at freen and she was....smiling...proud..but at the same time could not believe what she is seeing in front of her.

i looked at my hands and i was surprised, i was covered in purple and golden aura around me, i floated down slowly and looked at them.
" uhh...please stop staring at me..what is happening to me?" yuki rushed to me and gave me a mirror and i looked at myself and my eyes....

my left was a deep shade of purple and my right eye was a golden shade of yellow and both eyes had red iris on it, " i-is this normal?..." i looked at them and the Queen was smiling ear to ear but then turned serious, 

" my dearest princess...the prophecy is coming true..." 

prophecy? what prophecy? 

"Dear, try illuminating a ball of light." the queen said and i nodded, i held out my palm and imagined in my head that i'm making a ball of light and slowly there was a ball of light forming on my palm and i smiled. 

" now create a ball of darkness." i held out my other palm and created a ball of darkness and slowly it came through and i looked at them,

 " now fuse them." 

i met both of my palms and surely the two balls merged into one creating a wave of sensation in my body, making me weak i felt dizzy and all i could remember was freen catching me before i fell to the ground and everything went dark.

* a few hours later* 

i woke up feeling heavy and i opened my eyes and i was in the infirmary and freen was there looking at me and when she saw me that i woke up she immediately cupped my face worriedly,
" are you okay? are you still hurting? do you need a doctor?" she asked and i just smiled at her and leaned on her touch. 
" i'm fine freen, just felt weak is all." i sat up straight and she guided me and said thank you. 

" you know..no one could harness the elementals of dark and light. this is one of the very few and this only happens  after centuries that will passed. and i guess the prophesy piked you." she said seriously and i eagerly listened.

" many centuries ago, there lived great leaders of north and south, the count  Draco from the south and the queen Mercy Brown of the north. now the rules was you cannot marry someone that that is not from your own country. the news broke the leader of the south but seek to find a way that he could marry the queen of the north. they fought the council and defied the odds and fled free from their kingdoms. years later the queen gave birth to a healthy young girl and kept her safe away from harm. she grew up as a brave young girl that wasnt afraid of anything and they lived happily together." 

she looked at me and i urged her continue. 

" one night, their castle was ransacked and the mob tried to get in the house because they discovered that they were vampires and the humans despised our kind. the king and queen made sure that their daughter escape the humans as they remained in the castle to fight but she saw how her parents were killed by humans and from that day she had harness the elementals dark..and light...she swore to the saints and every gods on that day that in every centuries that will pass, the last bloodline of an heir to the throne will have the power of dark and light and she will either bring terror in the country, or give peace in everyone."  i looked down at my hands and she sighed. 

" you know who was the daughter of the king and queen?" she looked at me and i felt tears pricked my eyes. 

" my mother..." she nodded slowly and held my hand tightly. 

" b-but...i-im just nothing freen......i dont have any experience in harnessing this power.....i-i might end up hurting lots of people if i cannot control this..... " i was starting to panic when freen held my face and made me look at her and pressed our foreheads together and that calmed me down.

" i am not gonna let that happen to you princess...i swear on my life...i will help you through this and we will make sure you will take control of this power......i am not leaving your side..i will be here...for you...and that's a vow that i will keep." 

she looked at me seriously and i just hugged her tight....

i hope you wont leave me freen.....i really hope you wont....

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