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Becky's pov:

I was close to giving up, my body is full of bruises, my wounds are not healing quickly enough i was struggling in gaining my breath,

Im so close to death..

But all i could hear in my head is freen..

"Teerak! I know you can do this! Dont give up! We promise to be together after this! Fight with all you got my love!"

With my strength regain, i killed all the enemies one by one in a flash, i looked at the surroundings and all i could see was blood, dead vampires, even wolves came to help us but some ended dead.
I saw my friends, jim, yuki, song, tee, cheering as we've won the battle i smiled and from the corner of my eye i saw nop crawling for escape, i caught him and lifted him up in the air.

" listen you fucker, don't ever come back in this academy again! Or you will face death twice more than what happen today. " i said seriously but he just laughed and spat on the ground
I got confused and he looked at me,
" YOU! for a soon to be crowned queen! Is such a fool! We didnt come to end the academy, we came to kill freen!" He laughed like a maniac and i felt all my sanity thrown in the window, my body was fuming in anger to the point i didnt felt my aura became a shade of black and purple and my eyes was turning into a deep shade of purple, i choked nop and i felt him struggle in my hands until he grew limp, " now you will never harm anyone ever again. " my voice was deeper than normal and threw nop's body away and looked at my friends, "find freen. She is in trouble. NOW. " they all shuddered in my command and i ran trying to find freen i tried contacting her through my mind but i felt our connection slipping away and i know what that means...

Please.. No freen... Comeback to me safe...

I ran faster, hoping that she's still okay...

After what felt like a million hours of searching i found her..

My body froze. My mind went blank. My hands went numb.

I saw my lover.. My life... My soulmate...

Lifeless.... Lying on the cold ground... A shining dagger on her heart....i slowly approached her body, my knees went weak and i kneeled infront of her,  i held her lifeless body on my arms and my vision went blurry as tears covered my eyes,

Freen.. Is.. Dead..

I tried healing her but it wont work, i tried again and again and again but her wounds didnt heal.

I felt Callisto's presence as he laughed,

" you... YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" my dark aura came back and he smirked,

" how does it feel losing someone you love princess? " he smirked and in one swift move i put freen's body down and tried to attack Callisto but he is too fast for me as i felt my body growing weak,

i held freen's body in my arms and looked at her face... She died smiling... I couldn't stop my tears from falling and hugged her lifeless body,

"Why..... Why... Why did you leave?... Why did you die?.. You said you'll come back..youll.. Be said we're gonna get through this.. Why freen.... Why?... " i sobbed on her cold body and my friends arrived and they gasp on the sight they saw...

"FREEN! " Nueng shouted and ran to her sister's lifeless body and held her face and she cried,

" NO! NO! WAKE UP YOU STUPID IDIOT! YOU CANT DIE YET! WAKE UP FREEN! DONT LEAVE ME! " nueng cried and so did all my friends and they approavhed slowly as they see freen's lifeless body lying on the cold ground,

I looked at the dagger and pulled it from her heart,

" the poisoned dagger.. " said the queen.
I looked at her and she looked at all of us,

" thats why your healing powers didnt work its because it is not powerful enough to heal her.. You need to be stronger or else if you try again with your weak state you will also die." She said seriously and i looked at her.

" is there a possibility that she will come back alive?..." I am desperate for any way that freen would come back to us.

The queen nodded, " there is, but you need to be stronger, more powerful, more than you are powerful today. You only have 14 days of preparation, the poison will spread through her body slowly under those 14 days and you, princess need to be powerful before even the 14th day arrive or she will die."
She said sadly and i wiped my tears and carried freen's body in bridal style.

" then i will give everything i got to become stronger and get the love of my life back. And i will kill callisto with my own hands and make him suffer for what he did. " my eyes glowing red and nueng clench her fist and stood back up, " we will all grow stronger, train harder. They want war? They will get war. We will get reinforcements from every corner of the world and get back-ups from the wolves we know. We will kill that son of a bitch once and for all. " all of them nodded and i looked at freen's face and held it, " dont worry my love... You will come back.. And when you do.... You and i will never be seperated ever again.. "

We ran back to the academy and put freen's body in a tube and frost it to prevent it from rotting.

" even though were vampires princess, our body decomposes faster than humans thats why we need to do this. " i nodded and looked at freen and touched the glass between us.

" the next time we'll see each other, i will be stronger like you always want me to be. "

I walked out of the laboratory ready to face the hard trainings i will recieve to become stronger and reach my full potential when suddenly a throbbing pain went straight to my head and my eyes glowed yellow and i saw freen's memory before she died.

*Freen's memory*

Callisto and nop was standing beside her and they were talking, " glad that bitch is out of the way. " nop said smirking and spat on freen's body, "whats next? " he said and callisto smirked, " we will attack again soon. We will make sure that we get the throne and kill the queen and of course... The princess.. " callisto and nop laughed until freen closed her eyes...

I gasped for air and Nueng was right beside me holding me, " are you alright becky? " she said getting worried i looked at her seriously still panting,
" gather all the reinforcements now. I just got a glimpse of freen's memory before she died, callisto's coven will attack soon bring all your subordinates and reinforcements tonight. We will protect our coven no matter what. " i said panting and nueng nodded and we stood up and she went to the control room and i started my training.

Just you wait callisto... I will have your head on my hand...

ACKKK! this is getting intense! As we are getting close to the ending of our storyi just wanna ask if i will make a sequel for this. Hehe anyways! Thank you for reading my stories! It is such a big boost to my confidence hehe! Hope you guys have a great evening or morning heheh LOVELOTS!

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