First Move

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it has been a month sins i have confessed to the Princess that she is my mate, we call each other tee rak or any endearing names but we never really..called it official...yet. 

i sighed deeply and Jim seems to picked up my emotions, "penny for your thoughts dear? " she smirked and i rolled my eyes at her and looked down the mountains. 
"seriously though, what's wrong freen? is there a problem? A Princess problem?" she smirked and i huffed, "if you werent my  friend i would have killed you, but yes the problem is the princess thing." she chuckled and listened intently "well? im all ears." 
i looked at the horizon and sighed sadly, " its been a month of you know, being sweet to each other, calling endearing names, i mean its sweet and nice but..we havent made it official you know....i want to be able to call her mine...REALLY mine." i looked down and Jim held my hand and smiled. 

" you know you need permission from the queen for it and theres nothing in the rules that you cant marry  a royalty. AND if you need someone to set up for a date we have a whole squad for it just ask." Jim smiled and i smiled back. 

" who knew this little idiot could be soft." i laughed and she rolled her eyes at me, " on second thought maybe i wont he-" i looked at her getting scared, " fine! fine, im sorry. i dont know how to do this courting thing its very new to me.." i said looking down in embarrassment and she put her arm around my shoulder, " dont worry big girl, i got you." she smirked and we started planning for the date. 

* at the school grounds*

i went to the queens chambers to ask for Princess Becky to be mine and i just hope she says yes...
i inhaled deeply and knocked softly on the door and i heard a faint come in.
i went inside and the queen was sitting on her hair and signing all paper works presented for her and she looked at me and smiled, " ah Freen, what brings you here in my lovely abode?" she put her pen down and looked at me and i got really nervous. 

" see...uhm....i wanted to ask for permission...." she looked at me curiously,
" what is it?" she said seriously and i put my hand together and looked at her intently.
"u-uhm....i would like to ask for permission to make Princess Becky mine...officially..she is my mate your majesty...and i would love to make her mine officially..but she is a royal...and you somehow stood up as her guardian...and i wanted to ask for permission her..." my sweat was actually trickling down my head and she chuckled.

" i cannot stop you from dating Princess Becky child as youve said she is your mate. it is a bond that could never be broken even if we tried to my dear. the only thing that i ask of you is if she will be crown queen you will be standing as king beside her, you will protect her, guide her, and not hurt her. you will not let her go in danger or your head will be on my desk if that happens. other than that you are free to date her." the queen smiled softly and i nodded nervously and bowed down, "thank you your majesty! i swear on my life that i will protect and care for princess Becky..forever.." i baked away from her and she nodded for me to go and i obliged after the door closed Tee, Yuki, and Nueng had smug look on their faces before Jim arrived, " what did i miss?" said jim and Tee told her, " Guess who got the permission to date Princess Becky?" Jim's mouth hung opened and i smirked, 

" no shit..." i shook my head in amusement when Nueng spoke up, " so....when are you gonna ask Becky out?" i crossed my arms and looked at her, " seriously?" she laughed and everybody else did so, we went in our places to surprise the one and only Becky armstrong. 

"at the dining hall*


my classes were done and i am starving i went inside the dining hall and got two blood bags and sat down in the corner part of the room and read a book while waiting for the others to arrive not until someone sat in front of me and it was....

" Nop?" i asked curiously and he has this smug look on his face, 
" why so surprise princess?" he smirked and i rolled my eyes and continued to read the book until he grabbed it out of my hands and he held my hand and i quickly took it back and grabbed my book, " cant you see im trying to read?" i said getting irritated and he didnt get the message that i dont want to see his face. EVER. 

" and cant you see im trying to ask you out?" he said pouting. Ew. i rolled my eyes and read my book, " Nop i dont swing that way, i like women. i like freen." i said directly and that really pissed him off. 
" seriously, what do you guys see from that halftie? shes a disgrace to this bloodline! why not me? handsome, pure vampire, and has harms." he said puffing his chest and i scoffed at him and looked at him directly.
" Nop, youre the disgraceful one, you are rude, embarrassing and most of all just full of yourself. why dont you date yourself sins you like yourself so much?" he was about to slap me when a hand stopped him and he froze. 

" lay one hand on my girl and i swear you will not have any dick to be proud of." Freen's eyes were glowing red and she was growling and Nop was actually scared. You deserve that asshole. 
i held on to Freen's shoulders to calm her down and good thing she did as she let go of Nop and Nop practically ran away, 

"are you okay? did he hurt you?" freen looked at me worriedly, and i just smiled at her and shook my head, " nope, im okay tee rak." she smiled and looked at me nervously, 

" whats wrong freen? is there a problem?" i said to her and she shook her head and smiled and held my hand, " well it was supposed to be a surprise but that idiot ruined it so.....GUYS!" she let go of my hand and she disappeared and Yuki, Nueng, Jim , Tee, Song, and her was here holding roses and gave it to me and they were smiling and i looked at them curiously and a crowd was gathering around us and i saw freen in the center of everything,

" Princess Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, would you make me a happy vampire slash werewolf and take you out on a date?" she said smiling and i feel my heart like it was gonna go out of my chest and she walked towards me and took my hand, " it has been a month sins i told you that i love you and that you were my destined to be. and right now, for real, i wanna take you out on a date." she smiled and kissed my hand and the butterflies in my stomach is flying like crazy and i nodded, " YES! a hundred times yes tee rak..." she smirked and hugged me tight. 

this couldnt be more perfect......

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