Let the challenge begin

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Freen's pov:

Days passed after i announced that i was one of the royals, the other vampires respected me but others...still kept messing with me but i kick their asses if they do even if it is not a "royal" thing to do. 

me and Becky's relationship grew stronger and we were known to be the power couple of the school, to also look like a normal vampire we practiced lowering our powers  and that also caused our appearance to change. My iris were a shade of dark red and my hair is just jet black while becky remained white and her eyes had an iris of golden yellow signifying her to be the crowned queen. the two of us would always hangout after school and go to the forest to train or just being within our bubble together, while we were training we were called to the arena as the challenges are commencing. 

becky held my hand and made me look at her, i look at her smiling and she kissed me on the lips and i held her waist and she held on to my shoulders, we stop to take a breath and she held our foreheads together, " i know youll do great my love..just come back safe okay?..and kick that douchebag ass." i laughed and peck her lips one last time and led her to the seats and i went to the center of the arena together with the prince he smirked and i just rolled my eyes at him.

"why dont you just give me the princess halftie and save yourself from the embarrassment im gonna put you through." he smirked and i just scoffed, "as if i will give you my MATE,  you look like a lamp post just waiting to be cut down. You save yourself from the embarrassment PRINCE." he was fuming mad and before he could punch me the trumpets roared and the queen announced the first challenge which is combat, i smirked and i got ready i put on the necessary gears needed and headed to the square shaped ring with my stake and him as well.

he was in his fighting stance and i did too, when the whistle blowed he attacked first and i held his arm and held it behind his back and kicked him over, he held my leg and it made me fall down and he pinned me down on the floor and he choke hold me, 

"you dont deserve to live half-blood, because of you my brother nop died." he whispered and my eyes grew wide and elbowed his side and flipped us over and i choked hold him, "thats why you're so arrogant, you two have the same blood, so full of themselves thinking no one could defeat them. pathetic." 

i whispered and he  pushed me up and he punch me right through the throat and i held my throat while he's throwing punches at me.


the whistle blew and we backed up on each side of the ring, becky held my throat and her anger was rising as i saw the purple strips on her hair growing i held her  and she looked at me softly, " don't worry princess...he'll regret it.." she nodded and calmed down the whistle blew again and becky and my friends backed out and the battle continued.

the queen's word rung in my head,

" killing is not always the answer to end a war...sometimes you gotta show mercy to those who are deserving of it. a ruler should have the attitude of mercy, and cunning, strategic, and kind to his people. thats how youll be a great ruler to your coven..." 

i looked for kirk's weakspot and started hitting on it, he grew weaker and weaker till i pinned him down and was gonna punch him i stopped mid air and stood up, " a great ruler doesnt need to be vicious, always show mercy to those who are deserving." 

i turned my back on him and i smiled on my friends and becky and the queen and the crowd cheered and hollered, not until kirk punched me square in the face and i fell down becky sped run to me and so did my friends and looked at kirk angrily, " it didnt say about always winning." he smirked and i spat the blood on the floor and got up slowly and shook my head smiling softly, "youre just smiling about what he did to you?" becky was fuming in anger and i just kissed her forehead. 

"the challenge was not about the combat skills only, it was also testing your skill on what your attitude might be on a duel with a royal and how would you show mercy to the enemy, kirk did not care about showing mercy which shows he is not fit to be a kind ruler. this first challenge was all about mercy and also yes combat skills." becky looked at me stunned as we listened to the announcement of the quen.

" and the winner is....Princess Freen Sarocha Chankimha." the crowd roared and kirk was fuming mad, " IMPOSSIBLE! i took her down! she lost!" the queen looked at him and she spoke, " it wasnt about winning my dear boy. you we're so focused in winning that you forgot the very important attitude of a ruler. Mercy." 

i smirked and he was pissed off looking at me and he walked away saying this was rigged and i just laughed and my friends laughed and becky kissed my cheek, " who knew this dork could be so wise." i scoffed, " im not that dumb! meanie!" i pouted and she laughed and pecked my lips and my friends we're just teasing me and i rolled my eyes.

one challenge down. 

2 to go. 

ohhhhhhhh kirk got served. i hope you enjoyed this chapter! LOVELOTS! 

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