The Protector

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it's time to meet that brat of a Princess of theirs. why am i assigned to her again? oh right, skilled and i am FIT for being her protector, tsk.  

my name is Sarocha Chankimha but my friends call me freen, i know this cold-hearted bitch has  friends. but my Comrades call me "mutt" "halftie" or any insulting words that reminds me i'm a half-blood, yep you heard that right i am a half-blood. 

my mother was a vampire and my father was a werewolf, they were executed right infront of my eyes by the Vendalla and i will never ever be at peace until i give them the justice they deserve. 

where was i again? oh yeah meeting the "upcoming queen" i was on my way when tee, jim and Cher met me 

" oi stupid freen! wait up!" i turned around and saw them coming at me and tee put her hand around me, "sooo, meeting the upcoming queen already? lucky freen." i rolled my eyes at her.

" yeah and im not happy about it." i crossed my arms as i walk
"stupid freen, have some manners you know." said jim while raising an eyebrow at me and i just scoffed,
" why dont you do it then? why does it have to be me?" i sighed. 

" you know very well why freen, youre the most skilled protector above us all, you're rank number one, and also very dashing and pretty and-" i punch her arm and stared at her intently and Cher laughed, "okay okay, i'll stop. but try to loosen up you know, lower your walls a little you might never know she's the one for you." i rolled my eyes at her and thought about it until i bump into Nop,

" watch where youre going halftie." he scoffed at me while fixing his shirt. 

" hey! dont say that about our friend nop, last time i knew she was kicking your ass yesterday." Jim said and Tee and Cher laughed, even her friend phum laughed and he looked at him and phum lowered his head saying sorry. 

"tsk, lucky move mutt but next time ill destroy you." he said fuming in anger. 
"try as you might nop, you wont even lay a finger on me." he was about to swing at me when our leader arrive. 
"what did i say about fighting outside the training grounds?" Nueng said, and Nop huffed and mumbled " she started it." 
i chuckled, " oh come on man, even infront of our leader youre acting like a sore loser." i smirked and he was fuming in anger and was coming at me when Nueng stopped him, " Nop, stop or i will be putting you inside the dungeon for a day." he was trying to argue with Nueng when she looked at him sharply and Nop walked away fuming in anger. 

"he is a joke you know that right?" i said to Nueng.
" stop it freen, we already know youre great." she rolled her eyes. 
" oh come on big sis! you know he isnt gonna be greater than i am, hes the one playing with fire not me."
i said to my sister, yes, Nueng is my sister we are the last bloodline of our clan, she isnt a half-blood like me she is a pure vampire. 

"your ego is getting the best of you again Freen, go and do your task of meeting the Princess you are late. The queen wont be happy of your behavior you know." she said skimming through her papers. 
" yes, Oh glorious leader" i bowed at her making them laugh. 
" just go you brat, and tee you join her you will be the protector of Yuki." Tee nodded and we headed towards the Queen's Chambers. 

* at the Queen's Chambers* 

I opened the door and saw two young women sitting and the queen in front of them, the other woman  was looking at me, that must be the princess. 

" ah, glad of you to join us Freen and Tee." the queen smiled and we bowed to her, 

"Your majesty, Nueng told us that we will be assigned to them, we came as quickly as we could, forgive us if we came in late we had some minor inconvenience to deal with." I said to the queen and looked at the woman staring at me and she look away.

" Very well, let us get on with it. Tee, this is Yuki you will be her protector, protect her with your life Tee as she is the last considered family of  the Princess." 
Tee bowed down to the queen and looked at Yuki and she shook the hand of Yuki and a blushed crept in Yuki's face and Tee smiled. 

Tee will fall for this girl

i rolled my eyes at Tee as she winked at Yuki.

 "And lastly, Freen, this is Princess Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, as of today you are now her protector. Always stay by her side at all times no matter what as she is the last bloodline of her clan and the heir to the throne protect her with your life, do not let her die or we will lose all hope of our clan." 

I nodded at the queen and she stood up and lend out her hand to shake mine and i did and a bolt of electricity shot through our hands and i looked at her. 

And all of a sudden my wolf was howling like crazy in my head and kept shouting,
MATE! MATE! MATE! my wolf, Akira said.
What? i said to my wolf.
SHE IS YOUR MATE FREEN! YOU FOUND YOUR MATE! she kept howling in my head and i was surprised by what my wolf said. 

"mate..." i whispered. 
"what did you say?" she said, and i looked at her blankly again. 

" none of your business princess." i rolled my eyes at her and retracted my hand. 
" what a jerk." she  whispered. 
" i heard that." i said to her, and she looked at me wide-eyed. 

we went outside of the chambers of the queen and she was silently walking in front of me while Tee and Yuki was talking. 

She's my mate?.....she cant be....she's a vampire.....i'm a half-blood....she won't accept me...i'm so screwed.....

as yuki and the princess went to their designated schedules Tee and I waited outside the classroom and i was getting bored, i decided to contact  my friends and my sister and about the news. 

( group chat conversation between freen and her friends.)

Stupid freen: guys

jim: what's up?

Tee: Getting bored already? hahaha

cher: What's wrong buddy? 

Nueng: yes, little sis?

Stupid freen: i...think i found my mate..

Nueng: no way, who??

Jim: Don't tell me it's the princess?

Tee: it's the princess isnt it?


Stupid Freen: yeah, it's the princess and you were betting about that?

Nueng: well....i did not agree at first but i was bored..and i thought id win cause you know...but i did not expect the princess to be your mate. You better not ruin this Freen. you know what happens to Mates who won't be accepted by their fate.



Tee: i knew it, i saw how you looked at her. 

i closed my phone and looked at Tee and she was just smiling at me, "you better treat her right Freen don't screw it up." 

i rolled my eyes at her and i know i would treat her right, afraid to open still keeping my walls up for now....


MATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! hahahahahha this is getting awesomeee hehe find out more in the upcoming chapterssssssss! TOODLESSSS!!!

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