What a Bully

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tsk...what a jerk....it was just our first time meeting but she was already acting like an idiot to me...but..
i can't deny the jolt i felt when i touched her hand, is that even normal? i shook  the thought away and focused on the lesson we're tackling about.

"pst.." i looked around and i saw a pair of eyes staring at me and she smiled and sneaked her way through my vacant seat. 
"hey..." she smiled sweetly, "uhm..hi.." i said to her and she held her hand out to me. "i'm song, nice meeting you." she whispered and i shook her hand, " Rebecca but you can  call me Becky." i smiled and the professor was looking at us and we pretended to look for something and good thing he bought it i breathed a sigh of relief and she smiled at me, " i know you think im a creep right now but, i do want to welcome you to our humble abode princess." she smiled sweetly.


i smiled back at her, " please dont call me princess song, just call me Becky." she blushed and looked at the professor giggling, i just smiled at her and looked at the professor also. 

*end of class*

we went outside the classroom and song was talking to me when i bumped into someone and my books fell all over the floor, song and me picked up all the papers and the girl was stomping like a little girl, "ugh! watch where youre going bitch! gosh! look at my shirt! its ruined!" she kept rubbing off her shirt like i was some dirt that landed on her clothes.
"s-sorry, Lady Nita...we d-didnt mean to.." song looked down and Nita was fuming mad. 

" shut up nerd! you have no place in this institute, gosh why do they even let non-royals attend here." she was laughing and that really pissed me off. 

" hey, that's not nice." i told her and she looked at me like her next prey, " and who might you be? another non-royal like her? they just keep multiplying everyday god..." she fixed her make up and her comment made me mad.

" unlike you who is so full of herself, might as well dump you outside and feed you to the Vendalla than having your nasty mouth rambling like you own the academy."
the students were gathering around us and ooing at what i said to her and Nita looked at me with her golden eyes and showed her fangs, " you wanna try slut?"
 i stood up my ground and showed her my eyes, they gasped at my eyes since it was mix with red iris and a golden ring outside the red iris and Nita was visibly shocked at my aura , "you better shut your fucking mouth, what was your name? lady Nita? or i will shut it up for you." before she could strike me Freen showed up and stopped Nita's hand, 

"Stop Lady Nita, that is the Princess you are trying to mess with and my younger sister. if i ever find you or even the slightest shadow of yours ill make sure your life will be a living hell. you and your protector."
 Freen looked at the girl in Lady Nita's back whos giving Freen a glare. Nita took back her hand shocked and visibly scared about the news but she played it cool and smiled sweetly at Freen, " why are you even protecting that puny little woman? I'm your girlfriend remember?" Nita flashed her sweetest  smile at Freen and tried to hug freen.

i felt something in my stomach and it doesn't feel good, i didnt even see what i did when i shoved Nita on the wall and choked her and lifted her up, my eyes were glowing and my fangs were showing and i growled at her, " stay the fuck away from Freen or anyone who are around me or i swear to all the saints i will cut your head off." everything went silent and all i could hear was Nita struggling against my hold she was close to passing out when i felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at who it was and my gaze soften when it was Freen looking at me coldly, "Let go Rebecca. " my eyes went back to normal and let go of Nita and looked at the people around me and Freen and she looked...disappointed..cold...i walked away leaving Yuki,Song and Freen.

why did i even do that? what the hell? i didnt even know i could do that!! 

i was walking aimlessly when i felt my body collide with someone and it was Freen, "H-how did you even know i was here?" i composed myself and looked at her.
"i'm your guardian, i always know where you are." she said while walking beside me. 
" guardian my ass, you came in too late. Was it because she was your girlfriend?" i rolled my eyes and  huffed at her and she looked at me. 
" and you made me look like a helpless dwindle infront of people i'm your protector, i should have done that and not you." she said coldly.
i scoffed, " me? humiliated you? wow, so thats what you call humiliation trying to defend your name?" i rolled my eyes at her and in one swift move she was pinning me to a wall and i could feel her breathe on mine,
" were you? or were you just jealous because she called me her girlfriend?" she smirked and i scoffed at her, " why would i? she's your girlfriend not mine." i squinted my eyes at her and she rolled her eyes, " she's not my girlfriend princess, don't be jealous now." she chuckled. 

the nerve of this vampire!

 i inch my face close to her, " you are such a bully you know that? why did i even get you as my protector." i looked at her eyes and i saw..pain? then back to the cold stare again..

hmm....somethings up..

she looked at me and our lips were close enough that we could hear and feel our breathe on each other and she let go of me. 

she looked at me smirking, " just admit you were jealous and were even armstrong." and she walked away. 

a blush crept up my face and i huffed and kicked her leg and she held her leg and looked at me and she was mad, and i raised my eyebrow at her and crossed my arms, " if you werent such a jerk, i would've have liked you." she looked at me wide-eyed and i was shocked at what i said and i felt my blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. 


" i-i mean...ughhh..l-let's just go!" i kicked her leg again and she winced in pain and shouted
"BRAT!" she spat while holding her leg.
"BULLY!" i shouted back at her and walked away fast growing red from what i said. 

ughh...this is gonna be a long year....i hope i get through it without messing up again....

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