Battle of the best

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i was in the training grounds when i was given a challenge card and we all knew who it was, 

" damn can this guy get any hint that he cant win against you?" Jim said looking at Nop with piercing eyes. 

" well, maybe he just wants his ass kicked again you know?" cher said laughing. 
and i just took off my coat and put it on the bench and stretched my body out, on my peripheral view i saw Becky, song, and yuki approaching us so i went to the ring and got ready. 

while i was on the ring i heard their conversation, i guess she got curious. 

" hey guys! and why is freen up there?" tee welcomed her and introduced the rest. 
" hello princess, and she's there because us protectors we have a battle day every week and when you get a challenge card you have to fight the one who challenge you to get up the ranking and currently, freen is number one and that guy challenging him is number two i guess he wants that top spot so bad hes eager getting his ass kicked." jim said and the rest of them laughed. 

" i hope freen wins." said Becky and that make me smirked. and i saw cher's face and i knew she was up to no good. 

" hey princess, if freen wins what can she get in return?" 
this stupid vampire. 

" what do you mean?" said Becky, and Tee rolled her eyes. 
" if freen wins in that match what can she have in return as a prize?" tee looked at Becky and Becky was contemplating what to say. 

ugh, why am i friends with them again? 

"hmm...alright. if freen wins we can go on a date this weekend." my eyes went wide and jim, song and yuki was surprised and tee and cher were high fiving each other. 

"YOU HEAR THAT FREEN? IF YOU WIN YOU CAN GO ON A DATE WITH THE PRINCESS!" Tee shouted and i looked at her and smirked, " i better win then, you better keep your word princess. ill be expecting that date." i winked at her and she blushed. i got ready and looked at Nop. 

" ooh, it seems like you got an audience mutt, ready to be humiliated?" Nop said smirking 
and i just smirked, " maybe its the other way around shortie." he launched himself at me and i side step and kicked his stomach and landed an elbow blow on his back making him fall down. 

Nueng held her hand up as a sign for a point and they were cheering me on and Nop got up and he was fuming mad, he tackled me and i fell to the ground and punch my face and that pissed me off, i held her hand and held my legs together and kicked him up and i jumped and landed and growled at him, Nueng held a hand and Nop earned a point

" a fucking draw?!" i got pissed off and Nueng smirked. "round two. weapons."

  Nop held up his stake and his eyes turned bright red, i held up mine and my eyes turned purple, a mixture of two bloods and i growled at him. " lets get this over with shortie."
we circled around the ring and he tried to stab me but i moved faster than him and kicked his knee and he bend down and pushed him to the ground and my stake was at his heart electrocuting him. 

Nueng held her hand earning me a point. "one more point and Freen wins." 

Jim, tee,song, cher, and even Becky cheered me on and i felt energized just by looking at Becky i looked at Nop and he was bleeding, " we can stop this Nop, youre bleeding already." he just spat the blood and launch at me and i just dodged left to right not trying to hurt him he cornered me and kicked my stomach and tried to land a blow on me when i slid down and held his arm and interlocking it with mine and send him flying off and he landed on the center of the ring and i landed the last blow on him and i won. 

i looked at my friends and Becky and she was smiling widely at me and held two thumbs up i smiled slightly when i felt a sharp pain on my back. i looked at it and it was Nop stabbing me. 


Nueng shouted and got up the ring and pulled him away from me and he was laughing, " you deserve that mutt! you dont belong here!" he kept shouting and he was tranquilized by Nueng,

 " do not let him out the dungeon until i say so, let the council  and the queen decide what to do with him." the other protectors nodded and i fell to my knee feeling dizzy and all i could hear was Becky shouting my name and them surrounding me before everything went black. 


i rushed to the ring and held Freen's hand and i felt her going weak, " h-hey what's happening? whats wrong with her?"  i asked the Leader Nueng and she looked at the wound and it wasnt healing and she looked at the stake and smelled it. 

" this is bad.." she went serious and i looked at her, " why? what is it?" i looked at the stake and it was covered with something silver shining on it. 

" wolfsbane. this is gonna kill her unless we burn it." she carried freen and took her to a secret room and put her on a bed and i held her hand. 

"you better not die on me freen, or i swear to the saints i will kill that guy!" i held on to her hands tightly and yuki was holding on to me. 

i guess this is how it feels losing someone, but i just met her today feels like a lifetime...i just have this weird connection with her and i just dont want her to disappear.... 

i want her to stay...with me.... 

i bend down and whispered on her ear. " Please....stay.....with me..." a tear fell on my eye and i held her head and looked at her. 

Nueng came back with a blowtorch and made freen go to her side, 
" everyone hold her, this will really hurt her but its the only way we can save her." we nodded and held her body down. 

" well, here it goes." she turned on the blowtorch and slowly put it on freen's wound and freen's eyes shot wide open and a loud roar boomed around the room as she kept thrashing in agony, i held her hand tightly and held her head and made her look at me. 

"h-hey its me! its Becky! calm down'll be're safe okay?'re safe..calm down...thats it...slow your breathing.." Freen calmed down and held my hand tight.

a few minutes passed and the rest of our friends were leaving and Nueng was done patching her wound up and freen was looking at our hands holding. " uhm....i can let go if you want..if you feel uncomfortable that im holding you like this." she looked at me and what she did surprised me and Nueng

she kissed the top of my hand and whispered, "stay...please.." and i smiled and nodded. 
" then i will Freen. sleep. you need it, i will be right here." she sighed and closed her eyes. 
" dont leave me..." she whispered and i smiled softly, " i wont." i whispered and she slowly fell asleep. 

Nueng stood up and looked at me, " i guess she did found her mate." 


what is she talking about? 

i looked at her and she smiled. 

what can she mean about a mate? 

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