Becky 2.0

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Nueng's pov:

It has been 5 whole days since Becky trained and she's been growing stronger Tee tapped me by the shoulder and smiled at me and i smiled back at her,
"How is she? " tee asked referring to becky and i sighed and smiled sadly, "shes alright, just.. Really determined to bring back freen." Tee looked at me confused, "im just worried for becky. She hasnt been resting well. Not even drinking blood, just train and train and train. This might make her collapse and thats a bad thing. " i sighed and tee smiled sadly and looked at becky trained, "thats what love gets you bud. You do crazy things that you havent done before. I know how becky feels, even me. If i have a chance to bring back the person i love i would do anything to achieve that. "  i smiled sadly and sighed.
Suddenly becky knelt down and she was.. Changing.. Tee and i looked at each other and we rushed to becky

"Becky! Are you alright? Whats happening? " she looked at me and she was glowing not the usual glow but a dark golden glow... Her eyes are changing to purple to gold like.. Some thing is happening inside her, before she could even speak her eyes closed and we took her to the infirmary.

Song came out of the infirmary and looked at us seriously, " becky is experiencing a sudden power surge inside her, to the point she couldnt take the surge and caused for her to collapse. Has she not been resting enough? Is she feeding well? " i shook my head and she sighed, " thats one of the problem, because of that her body is growing weak, as soon as she wakes up feed her. Let her rest for a while. No training. Got it? " i nodded and went inside the infirmary waiting for becky to wake up.

I held her hand and sighed sadly, " i know you might not hear me, but i know youre doing this for my sister. But while youre at it, take care of yourself. Not just for freen, but for yourself too. You want to see her again right? Dont push yourself too much to the point youre also gonna lose yourself too.. I love you as much as my sister do. I care for you and your friends care for you alot. So please.. Come back and rest and feed get yourself together, i know you made alot of progress, youve became ten times stronger than you know. Now rest for a while child. " i wiped a tear off my eye and i felt her hand gripped mine and i looked at her and she has tears in her eyes.

" im sorry i made you worry... I just... Cant lose freen.... Ive already lost everyone... My father.. My mother.. I dont want to lose her too... " she sobbed and i hugged her tight and she clung to me like a child. "Shh... Its okay child.. Its wont lose her... Good news is you have become stronger.. You just dont know it... You already achieved your goal... For now you rest. Feed. And tomorrow morning we'll see how far youve improve. " i smiled and wiped her tears away and she nodded, her eyes closed again and i just let her rest.

Becky's pov:

*in a dream*

I am in a dark place, i kept on walkig trying to find a way out then suddenly a dark shadow came at me and i tried to back away from it then another entity came and it was bright as the sun

"W-who are you?.. Why are you here? What do you need from me? " i asked and both of them floated down and looked at me.

The dark shadow started to speak first,
" we are your power becky, i am aries, and she is deva." Aries said and i looked at them both and i felt my power connecting to them, " i know this must be very hard to process and very confusing but we are your power becky. You have found harmony between anger, sadness and calmness and happiness. You have found balance. The hardest to achieve in an ever powerful entities like us." I calmed down and gazed at them. " how do i know if i am that powerful? " deva smiled, " you will know when you use it becky."

Then aries laughed " you dont even know how much of a power youve reached kid. Even the queen herself cant defeat you. And soon when your other half wakes up, the two of you will be the sign of harmony. " i smiled at the possibility of freen waking up.

"Always remember becky. You are doing this for the creatures such as yourself, not just for freen, for your criends, for the queen, but for everyone. You are going to protect them as long as you live. " i nodded seriously and smiled, " i will become a great ruler if the queen will give me her throne. " deva smiled and gave me her hand, " touch my hand and you will feel the surge of my power into you. Goodluck child. " i smiled and aries lend his hand, " goodluck kid, dont let us down. " he smirked and i reached both of their hands and i gasped for air as ive woken up from my dream.

Tee was about to come in when she saw my appearance and the blood splattered all over the floor and i was startled by her, "holy shit becky you look different! "
I looked at her curiously and i reached for a mirror and looked at myself and i was indeed different,
My eyes is gold, my iris became permanently gold, my skin was glittering and my hair was white and long With strips of purple in it.

I looked at tee and smiled, " i guess i did reached the goal. " tee smirked and shouted that i was awake and well,

Nueng, song, jim, yuki, and all of my friends came in and hugged me and i hugged them all back, when eberything was well i looked at them and smiled,
"Connect all your hands and hold my hand. " they all looked confuse but did it anyway, after they held their hands i gave them as much power as they needed and all of their eyes glowed red and it felt new to them, " woah... This.. Power... Its so much.. " song said and i smiled and i stopped and they all felt different, everyone was testing out their new power and i stood up.

"Take me to freen. Please. " nueng nodded and guided me to my lover.


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