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No one's pov:

"DAMN IT!" Nop slammed his hands on the table as he heard the news that the bond between Freen and Princess Becky was sealed his blood boiled with so much anger that he killed one of his henchmen, before he could kill any further Callisto arrived and he slammed the henchman down and faced Callisto fuming in anger.

" YOU! YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA KILL THEM! WHY DID YOU LET THEM LIVE?!? NOW THEY'RE STRONGER THAN BEFORE!! " nop was fuming and Callisto just laughed at him and he grew confuse
Nop scoffed, "what's even funny?!?"

Callisto sat down and crosses his arms and smirked, "there is still a way to break the bond. " callisto looked at nop and laughed, " we kill one of them. I just gave them the pleasure of feeling that they have the upper hand, i have a weapon here that kills one of them slowly.... And painful...." callisto laughed like a maniac and Nop just smirked, "i'll be planning our attack right away, we will not be wasting any more time. " Nop walked away and planned their attack at the academy.

Freen's pov:

I feel like im floating.
Like im somewhere in between...
I opened my eyes and i was met with the greenest grass and the light skies above me i was confused on why am i here

Am i dead??

" no you are not dear.. " a very mellow voice welcomed me and i look to that direction and i was met with luna....

I bowed down and luna smiled,
" there is no need for formalities my dear.. Come.. Join me with becky.. "
She said and my eyes went wide in shock

Becky is here???

I followed luna to where she was going and there i saw becky wearing a white dress and talking with.... Akira... My wolf.. I got so confused on why is this happening not until becky held my hand and smiled assuringly and we sat down.

" now, my children i called you here because i heard that both of your connections are intact. " becky and me nodded and luna smiled.

" as the prophecy said the both of you will have a deep connection that even the enemies cannot break, you will be faster, stronger, and even your elementals will be a hundred times stronger than before... You will have a telepathic connection between each other and will see the vision of the other.. But.. You must still be careful... Because your enemies are planning an attack and they have a weapon that can poison one of you. " i looked at luna seriously and spoke,
" i will protect becky with all my might Luna... And i will do so with my friends and the place i call home. " i am very determine to protect those who are important to me especially becky and luna smiled...
" very well..... Warn your friends and your academy that there will be a fight that will happen... Be ready... and freen? please remain. i will take Becky first inside her body." i nodded and looked at Becky and smiled, "ill be right back my love."i kissed her forehead and she went together with luna. 

a minute later luna came back and she sat down but her demeanor changed, "is there a problem luna?" she looked at me and smiled sadly, 

" i need to tell you something, you have to die." 


the work kept ringing in my head as i got confused why i have to die

" wait...why? i can protect them luna! as youve said! together were faster! stronger! why do i need to die?! i cant leave Becky alone! shes my everything!" my anger was starting to rise when luna spoke up.

" you have to die for her to reach her true potential freen." she said calmly and i went quiet
"why?..." i asked her as i start to calm down.
" i know you will be the most reasonable among you two, princess Becky is still very young and will not understand how dangerous this is. you have to die so that she can reach her true power within her, and with that power..you will come back, you will live, and you will never be separated ever again even in death." luna said and i stood up and walked back and forth. 

" what if.....what if she will not do that? what if she will do the very opposite of it?....what if i will never come back?...I....I cant leave her alone....she cant be alone....i dont want her to face this cruel world alone...i want to be by her side...through ups and downs..i promised her,shes my other half....my love of my life...please luna...is there any another way?..." i pleaded and she sighed, 

" there is another way....but..."

i looked at her,  urging her to go on. 

" but princess Becky has to kill you herself..." my throat dried up and i stopped pacing 

" the choice is yours freen....you have to choose the right one..." 
i stood still and thought about the biggest possibilities there is..

if she kills me..i know she will blame herself and will not try to reach the potential she has...
but..if i get killed with somebody else then she will do everything to kill...to reach the potential she has....i sighed and looked at luna. 

" bring me back...i have chosen." luna sighed and smiled sadly and i felt the air was sucked up in my body and the next thing i know i was already in my body and becky's face was frantic and in panic. 


my mind was hazy and i got up with the help of Becky, she held my face and rested it on my forehead, " im here my love..im here.." i said to her and i hugged her tight and ,looked at her
" Becky listen to me okay? no matter what happens today, i want you to know that i love you so much...more than you know teerak...and if in this war i dont come back alive promise me you will do everything in your power to reach the potential that hasn't been unlocked inside you yet..promise me." 

i kissed her like this would be my last kiss with her and a tear fell in my eye and she looked at me and she was sobbing, "i- i dont know what's gonna happen today but please freen...come back to me....please..." i looked at her and smiled sadly and nodded, " i will...promise me you will do what ive said to you alright?" she nodded and i got up from the bed and prepared for battle. 

i felt a sudden surge of power in me and in Becky and she looked at me and nodded and we attacked Callisto's henchmen together.

i'm sorry my love..... 
but i have to do this for you....

OMG YOU GUYS! i know i know i havent been updating for quite some time i have been very busy with my personal life. NOW! that i has return i will give my best to update this story as many as i can! hehe but i hope you enjoy this story! there is more to come! 


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