Celebration to die for

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Becky's pov: 

i slowly woke up from my deep sleep and felt a pair of arms hugging my waist, as the memories from last night flashed it made me smile. 

we really did it. we fucking did it... 

now i can call her mine in heart,soul, and body. 

our skin brushing each other sends chills down my spine, i scooted closer to her sniffing her scent, touching her milky white skin, brushing my fingers on her hair slowly, her face peacefully sleeping like an angel and her soft plump lips so inviting...so addictive... 

" the more you stare my love i might melt." i blushed and nuzzled to her neck and looked at the mark on her neck and  touched it, " now everyone knows youre mine, with the bite mark and hickeys is just a plus point." i giggled and she got up and went to a mirror and i just looked at her smirking. 

"damn baby, you really did a number on my body." she turned and face me and hickeys were all over her body and the bite mark was visible from miles away i laughed at her raised eyebrows and she shook her head in amusement she ran and picked me up and twirled me around, " i love you so much my beautiful vampire..." she stopped and leaned our foreheads together, " i love you more my amazing vampire slash werewolf." i giggled and she kissed my temple 

"come on, we have to get ready for the big announcement my love." Freen said to me and she kissed me one last time before getting into the shower to get cleaned up.

no more challenges. no more fighting for my hand, its just me and freen now and forever.

[ at the queen's chambers] 

we went inside the chambers and the queen was waitng for us smiling, " are you ready for announcing your first declaration?" i smiled and nodded. 

"yes, your majesty but we need to show you something first, we were quite surprised by the ancient vampires giving us this mark." 

the queen looked confuse, both me and freen lifted our wrist and showed her the golden mark left by the ancient vampires, " what does this mean your majesty? why was it given to us?" 

the queen looked surprise but was replace wit joy as she looked at us, " becky..you and freen have been very blessed by the ancient vampires...you both will bring peace and harmony upon the whole vampire and werewolf kind. you will create harmony between both creatures...and you will be blessed with a child..." 

this caught me and freen off guard, " a c-child? but..we're both women.." i said still surprise by the news. 

" with the ancient ones blessing you will bear a child and that child will be the new hope of the two kinds reuniting as one...this is their one last dying wish, that is why they waited for the perfect couple who will recieve this blessing...and when they heard about the prophecy, they all decided to wait for your arrival." 

" i..i uh..im just..speechless..." i said to the quen and the queen chuckled, " take care of the child princess....and be responsible freen. that is your child Becky is carrying."

i looked at freen and her jaw was open slightly and she spoke up, " y-you mean...t-theres a c-child in her s-stomach?..right now?.." 

the queen chuckled and nodded, " anytime now the soon to be queen will bear her child.. as the school year is ending princess you will also be declared as the queen with your other half...freen.." 

the queen bowed her head and i bowed mine. 

i looked at freen as she stared at me adoringly and looked at my tummy and held it protectively, " i will protect you with my life little one..." 

i kissed Freen's temple and she smiled. 

" now shall we go princess?" i nodded smiling and freen held my hand tightly as we walked through the hallways and into the podium where the students gathered the trumpets blared and the queen walked out and we came out next, they greeted the queen before sitting down and announced that we have something to say, the prince was there but the other guy was nowhere to be found. 

" as you all know today was the last day of the challenge." they all cheered and i waited for the crowd to quiet down. 

"but i am here today to announce that such rule has been taken down by the ancient ones." gasps and murmurs filled the field and i held my hand up, " as the sooned crown to be queen, i have declared that i choose Princess Freen to be my other half. " everyone cheered except for the prince. 

" THAT CANT BE! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" kirk was fuming mad whe nall of a sudden rogue vampires showed up with the guy saint, " i've had enough of this nonsense! i knew you'd fail, what a pathetic little prince you are." saint spat and kirk was about to attack him when two vampires killed him instantly ripping him apart, the vampires ran and shouted when the rogue vampires killed them one by one. 

" JIM! TEE! CHER! YUKI! NUENG! PROTECT THE QUEEN!" they all nodded and jim,tee and cher guided the queen out while the others who were trained to fight, fought the rogue vampires me and Freen was getting ready to attack when freen stopped me, " you stay here." i looked at her , " no! freen! i need to help!" 

" but the child Becky!" i looked at her as i change my form , " the child will be fine, i will make sure of it. now less talking more fighting." Freen reluctantly nodded and fought off the vampires. 

things could never go as we planned... 

LOVELIESSS! i am so sorry for the long update writer's block man...it ruins everything. some incidents happened in our town thats why i couldnt update so much but anyways! i am okay and i am good he..... I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE STORY! I LOVE YOUU ALLL!!

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