New Hope

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No, no, no! This can't be happening again.... Not when she's mine now... Please don't let her die please.... I've only felt peace with her....and only Her.... Please don't take her away....

I was sobbing out of my mind when i felt yuki hugged me tight, "shh... She's gonna be alright... And she will be alright...." Yuki kept consulting me and i hugged her tight, i'm scared of losing another person that's close to me ever since my parents died i didn't get attached with anyone else except yuki, but now... Now that i have freen i am feeling that heartbreaking thug again in my heart that i might lose her.....

*few hours in the infirmary*

I was waiting anxiously for the result if she's okay or not, i kept walking back and forth waiting for the vampire doctor to come out not until Nueng held me by my shoulder and i looked at her.

"She will be okay child, just calm down okay? She needs you to be strong for her. " Nueng smiled and i nodded and sighed,

" why don't you just heal her? I mean you did it to tee why not her? " jim told me and i was gonna go but Nueng stopped me, " you know very well that it will take alot of energy in becky to heal someone and we still don't know the extent if her power its best not to exceed its limits. " Nueng said seriously but i refused to listen to her, i looked at her dead in the eyes and pleaded,
"Please Nueng.... This is the love of my life... Your sister... I just don't wanna stand here and do nothing on her behalf...just.... Please... I dont wanna make the same mistake again by not helping those people around me.... Please... " i held on to nueng's hand tight and she sighed and looked at me, " fine, but we will wait for what the doctor is gonna say alright? " i nodded and hugged her and waited for the doctor to come out..

Hoping for thr very best she's okay...


i didnt understand what she meant by making the same mistake again so i called yuki and talked with her to understand Becky more,

"Yuki i have a question. " i said seriously and yuki nodded to urge for me to go on with the question, "what did becky mean about not making the same mistake again? " yuki sighed and told me the story,
" her whole clan was wiped out by vendallas, the leader, Callisto could not find the princess as the princess was brought out of the country because she was given a day for a vacation, not knowing that her parents was gonna met their end...
As she arrived she noticed that something was very wrong...her parents did not greet her like they used to so all her guards were being cautious and the Princess ran inside their house and the horrific display was seen by her very eyes her father lying lifelessly on the floor while her mother was tied up to a cross and by the looks of it was tortured to the death.. " My eyes went wide by the revelations of the story not until a second voice spoke and we knew it was becky.

" it was the saddest memory i have....seeing them like that... All i could think was.. Why was i not there?... I could have saved them.... Helped them.... And that was the biggest mistake of my life... Not being there by their side while they suffered from the hands of that.... Fucking vampire.... Now that i know who he is.... I will bring him down.... I will bring him to his knees and beg for forgiveness for ever hurting other vampires for leadership... And that is a vow that i will never break no matter what. " i looked at her and this is not the softy becky i see but rather a very determined princess that wants to put a stop to this madness.

"Then i will help you improve and freen will be there to support you,  were here to support you princess and as long as we live we will be here by your side no matter what. " i smiled and she smiled at me it was cut short when we heard that we could go inside the infirmary and looked at freen, i looked at becky and nodded and she smiled saying her thank you.

I just hope she succeeds in her plan...


I rushed inside the infirmary and stop and looked at freen resting peacefully in the bed i slowly approached her and held her hand tightly and i caressed her cheek and a tear left my eye,
" you've really been protecting me since day one tee rak.... I kept endangering your life.... Now you almost died.... And i dont want you to die.... We still have so many plans ahead of us.... Like living off together in a very far away place... Just you and me and if we want to have kids we'll love them for sure.. " i chuckled and sobbed, i closed my eyes and my hands glowed a bright yellow and my eyes went from gold to dark and gold again, "please.... Wake up... " i slowly loose consciousness and i blacked out.


I was waiting for Becky to come out when a thud was heard from all of us,  i looked at them and rushed inside the room and there was Becky lying unconscious on the floor,  "BECKY! " yuki shouted and held becky's hand

Tsk... I told her not to push herself so much....

I put her in the other bed and yuki stopped me, "w-wait.... S-something's happening... "

I looked at freen's body and Becky's body and both of them are glowing..

"W-what's happening?.. " yuki asked and i looked at them seriously.

"Call the queen. Now. " tee nodded and rushed to get the queen and we all could do was look at them glowing...

*a few minutes passed*

The queen arrived and we all bowed down,  she then looked Freen and Becky and she was far beyond amazed by it,

"Y-your higness, what's happening to them?... Why are they glowing like that?.."

I asked and she smiled at us,
" it is nothing to be afraid of children... It is their bond.... We all know freen that she has mated with becky and now becky recognizes it her power made the bind very strong, connect their hands together. " i nodded and held freen's hand and becky's hand and connected them together and they were glowing brighter with a mixture of freen's red and black aura and becky's purple and gold aura i was surprised by this revelation and looked at the queen.

" this is the very important part that was not written in the history of the armstrong's bloodline.... Once they recognize the bond between two lovers he or she that holds the power of dark and light will be connected to her partner forever... They will share the same mind, they will be synchronized, they will always find each other in every lifetime that will come. They will become stronger amd faster beings above all.. That is why callisto wanted freen or becky dead, so that this part of the prophecy will not come true. " the queen said seriously.

"But... What do happens if one of them was killed?... " the queen sighed and looked at every one of us,

" let's say freen died, becky would succumb to a very dark state thus, making the dark part of the prophecy come true, killing mankind and creatures like us. But he failed, and these two will be our new hope in our generation. " she smiled, "but still protect them with all your might, they will still be a chance that one might get hurt and the other one will lose itself. " we all nodded and looked at them and a smiled at the revelation.

We will protect you little sister.... And you too princess becky...

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