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i woke up feeling groggy and weak, i opened my eyes and i was still in the infirmary, i tried getting up but i got dizzy and i held my head.

fuck that really hurts...

"here." Freen said smiling softly handing me a blood bag and i smiled and said thanks she sat down beside my bed and i drank the whole blood and sighed in content.
"someone's hungry." she said smirking and i rolled my eyes while wiping my mouth, 
" hey, meanie." i pouted and she just chuckled and smiled, " how are you feeling?" i smiled and looked at her, " i'm fine just a little headache, but...what happened yesterday? why did i passed out? all i could remember was holding tee's head and i just blanked out." i said to her and she turned serious and held my hand. 

" princess, you healed her." i looked at her like it was a joke shes telling me but by the looks of her face she wasnt joking. "h-healed her? b-but how?....i-i didnt know i was capable of doing that!" i said flabbergasted by the news i received and she sighed.

" we dont know for sure how you did that but we have a theory that it includes on your elemental of the light and i guess, just guessed that if you could control light and dark you could control other elementals that is why we are gonna train you, yuki, song, and everyone else other than Nita and Nop they would just be casualty said the queen." i hesitated by the idea of doing training, especially a training like this.

"b-but, freen i dont have any experience in fighting you know that...." i sighed and she smiled softly, " ill be there to train you personally Becky, with your powers that great you need to control it or that power of yours will take a big damage to yourself  resulting for you to....die....if not handled well. i promise that me and Nueng will teach you what is needed for your powers to improve. you trust me right?" she said holding my hand and looked at it as it intertwine 

Please Tee rak.....she said in my mind...

i blushed on the term tee rak and she smirked, " you understand thai?" i nodded shyly and kissed her cheek. "i trust you...teerak..." she smiled from ear to ear and hugged me. " thank one other than Nueng and my friends trusted me like this...thank you for letting me in..." she said softly and i melted in the hug and rubbed her back, " anything for you tee rak..." 

* at the secret training grounds*

yuki, tee, Jim, cher and Nueng were training hard to improve their summoning abilities so that they can withstand the massive power they can use, all of them was improving..

except me.

i tried summoning fire but to no avail i cant even make a spark, i slammed my hands on the ground in frustration, "ughhh!, why is this so hard!" i huffed and crossed my arms and Freen was patiently teaching me how to summon fire she shook her head amusingly and i rolled my eyes at her, "what's so funny? making fun of your 'Tee rak?'" i huffed and she laughed.

huh...she can laughed and i smiled letting my frustration fade away.

she summoned fire like its nothing and looked at me, " do you know how i summon fire?" 
i shook my head and she sat beside me, " when i was young, my mother was a fire summoner back then i was like you, couldnt summon even just a spark of fire i was so frustrated that in anger i summoned fire but it was...dark....too dark for me to handle and i let it go i was so scared that i swore to myself to never summon fire again." Freen smiled sadly and i held her hand and she held it tight, "what happened next?" 

she leaned on my head, " well, she made me summon fire again and i was so against it because of the fire i made was dark. she said to me think of a person, place, things, or anything that makes you happy, makes you smile, makes you laugh, and when you have that image in your mind feel the warmness that travels through your mind,soul, and body and when you feel it summon your fire through that feeling and i did what she said and i could summon fire." she smiled at me and i perked up and stand in front of her, 

" so...all i gotta do is.....think of something that makes me happy and feel that image through me and i could summon fire?" she nodded and stood in front of me i had to look up as she is taller than me, " but do not force the image, think of that happiness the true happiness you want. Fire is a delicate element, strong but filled with emotions. think of the image you want and summon fire." she kissed my forehead and i closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. 

i could family....the happy memories we had.....the times we were living in our own world....

and i could see freen......her being only lover.....

all of those images that passed by my mind created a warm, fuzzy feeling inside and before i could even open my eyes i felt something warm in my palms and i smiled brightly and looked at freen and she was smiling proudly at me. 

" look tee rak! i summoned fire!" she smiled and kissed my forehead and everyone was happy for my achievement. 

we continued to train till sundown and we were all so exhausted so we decided to make it a day. 

" Princess were gonna have dinner!" Nueng shouted at me, 
" Ill catch up!" i smiled at them and they all went to the dining hall to eat, i went inside my room and i felt a presence behind me and i turned around, it was freen i got startled and she chuckled, "gosh freen you scared me."  

she hugged me tight and i got curious till she spoke up, 
" i am proud of you my Tee rak..." she said softly and i blushed and hugged her back, i looked at her and our faces were mere inches within each other, we got closer and closer and closer till our lips were almost touching until.....

" You guys took so lo-" Jim had a shock look on her face and smirked, " well well well, i guess youre having dinner already. "
 she laughed and Freen was looking sharply at her, " you better not tell anyone about thi-" 
"oh i wont, i wont say that Freen almost kissed the Princess and was gonna go all the way wi-" Freen was gonna summon her fire when Jim ran laughing aloud i looked at her blushing,
" Freen. "
she calmed down and i hugged her. 

" i know were still not together but i will love and wait for you Princess..." she said hugging me back and i melted from her touch.

Please dont take this away from me....

She's my only happiness in this world....


HELLOOOOO! i am so very sorry for the late update i was very busy since it is holy week 
but so far how are you guys in this lovely world? i hope you guys are doing good and i hope this story kind of helps you be happy hehe <3 i hope you guys enjoyy andddd have a great time reading this TOODLESSS!!! 

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