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Becky's pov:

Its been weeks..... Weeks since Freen went into coma. I healed her but.... She never woke up the doctors told us that freen is in a coma.

I held my stomach protectively as i look at my small baby bump showing, i smiled at my stomach and rubbed it softly.

" i know your mama is bound to wake up little one... And she will tell you all the great adventures and mysteries and the wonderful things in life that you will discover when you grow up.... " i spoke softly and looked at freen peacefully lying down in the bed,

I held her hand and rubbed it, her face looks so peaceful and theres no sign of sadness.... Or grief.... Just pure peace...

I hope you wake up soon my love.... I miss you... Our baby misses you....

I felt a tap on my shoulder and Nueng was smiling at me sadly, " hey princess..... You need to eat... You dont want your baby to get sick dont you?.. " i sighed and looked at freen,
" i just wish she wakes up.... Its been weeks Nueng... "

Nueng sighed sadly and sat beside me.

"I know little one... But she will wake up. We just need to trust her alright? And while shes still recovering you need to take care of yourself. We dont want her to worry about you and the baby when she wakes up. You need to be strong for her Bec... Strong and healthy. You and the baby. " she looked at me and my tears were welling up.

"W-what if she doesnt w-wake up?.... I cant live without her Nueng... She's my everything... Shes my rock... My solace... My... My..." I couldnt finish my sentence and  burst out crying, nueng comforted me and i didnt notice yuki coming in and sitting beside me, " take it easy bec.... Freen will wake up.... I trust her....i trust her and believe in her that she will wake up. She will not give up that easily. "

I sniffled and held my stomach and freen's hand.
" please wake up my love.... Please... "

I slowly let go of her hand and stood up from my sit and slowly walked outside the door and go into the kitchen to eat, everyone saw me and they smiled at me sadly i sat down and tried to eat as much as i can for the baby.

" have you know whats the gender of the little one bec? " tee asked and i shook my head, " im waiting for freen to wake up and we will find out the gender together. "  they smiled at me and i smiled back at them.

Im grateful theyre here, im happy that even at the hardest and lowest of timed i have them here beside me, that im not alone.

Im not alone.

I looked at each one of them and my tears were welling up and they got worried.

" hey whats wrong bec? " cher asked
" are you okay? " noey asked
" is your stomach hurting?" Nueng asked and i shook my head smiling.

" im just happy.... Im happy you guys are here..... With me.... I could never asked for a better friends than you guys.... Thank you... Thank you for lighting up my dark tunnel.... Thank you for taking me under your wings and letting me be apart of your family.... " i sniffled and they smiled softly.

" we couldnt asked for a better friend like you bec.. Youre special to us. And we love you. And we will always be there for you no matter what. " nueng smiled and everyone nodded in agreement.

I sniffled and smiled at them just then the nurse came running at us.

" she's awake my lady... " the nurse said and i stood up abruptly and walked fast to her room and looked at freen....


My love....

She was looking out the window and her face.... Her eyes.... Oh how i miss those eyes..... Shes awake... Alive...shes here.... Shes really here....

"F-freen.... " i whispered softly and she looked at me and smiled.

" bec...." Her eyes were welling up and i ran to her and she has her arms wide open and i quickly hugged her tight... Very tight... I miss her hugs.... Her scent.... I miss every inch of herself..

" forgive me for leaving you for a very long time my love.... " she said softly while hugging me and i shook my head.

" thats not important now.... Youre here.... Alive....thats more important... "

I heard a couple of footseps nearing the room and i knew it was out friends and they were all a crying mess and jump to hug us.

She laughed, "okay okay i know you guys miss me but becky is getting suffocated here the baby! " she screamed and we all laughed and dispersed.

" you gave us one heck of a scare there! " tee said sniffling and freen rolled her eyes.

" i miss you too dumb ass. " freen smiled and i looked at her.

Im glad shes back..... Shes really back...

I swear on my life from this moment on that i will never let anything harm us ever again.

And that will be a promise that i will keep.

ITS BEEENNN A WHILEEEE GOSH! i am so sorry for this longgg delayyy as you all know yes we broke up and well... My great grandfather died.... And i had to fix my brain again and then i met someone and she knew me on one of my stories and i felt like i was gone for too long way too long and here i am nowwww im sorry for the short update but the book is nearing its end.... BUT there will be a sequel to this story!! So you better wait for this one! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCHHHH! LOVELOTS!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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