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Freen's pov:

Days have passed since the war was over and everything in the academy went back to normal, my friends were back to their studies and Princess Becky too.
I could never been more happier thay becky is safe and more stronger than ever.

Ever since that day everyone in the academy started to respect Becky and my friends, hell even me but it didnt matter to me as long as i have becky, nothing matters more in the world.

We were in the middle of class when me and Becky got called by the queen we looked at each other and excused ourselves in the room.

Minutes later we were infront of the queen's office, i let becky enter first and i went in, my eyes landed on the guy sitting infront of the queen as he saw becky he immediately stood up and smiled and becky just looked at me curiously and i shrugged my shoulders as i didnt know what was happening. The queen's face was very serious and all i could think was

What the fuck is happening?

My wolf inside me growled and i looked at the guy and he was smirking, i raised my other eyebrow looking at him.

Before anything could happen the queen clapped her hands gaining our attention,

"Enough you two, calm down. " i huffed and sat down besides becky and held her hand and the guy's face was beyond pissed and looked at the queen.

The queen sighed looking at me and becky,
"I know this will become a heavy news to the both of you. But even if you are paired by the Goddess Luna, there are still constitutions to be followed. "

"Which is? And how come i wasnt aware of this? " becky spoke up feeling her anger rising and i squeezed her hand to make her calm before the queen could even speak the guy already spoke.

" To get the hand of the soon to be crowned queen, any suitors such as me will face challenges to prove he is worthy of becoming the soon the be queen's partner. " he smirked looking at me.

God i could slash his eyes off.

I growled lowly enough for becky to hear it she squeezed my hand and lo9ked at the guy,

"And who might you be? "  he smiled and looked at becky, "im Prince Kirk, son of King Caliban. " i looked at the queen and stood up abruptly.

"This is absurd your highness! You know that shes already my mate! Why need to follow the Constitution?!"

The queen looked at me sadly, " i cannot change what the Constitution has bound as their rules."

I clenched my fist looking at the prince,
"Then, i challenge Prince Kirk for the hand of Princess Becky. " my eyes glowed red looking at the Prince so did his eyes, the tension was thick between us when becky pulled me back and held tightly on my waist.

Kirk fixed his collar and started to go out "youll see princess. Im a better partner than that halftie. " he smirked.

"Why dont you fuck off?" I said spatting the words out of my mouth and he just laughed going out the office, i sat down angrily and Becky was trying to calm me down.

"Stupid constitution! " i kicked the chair and Becky held my hand tightly and i sighed calming myself down.

"Im sorry i scared you princess.... "  she smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Its okay, well just think of a way on how to do this. " becky said and the queen spoke up

"You must defeat him at all cost freen. I know what his plan is. If he wins and becky becomes his. He will wipe out humanity. " i looked at the queen and stood up.

"Then i must go get ready on defeating this douchebag. " becky smiled and i excused me and becky out of the office.

MY LOVELIES! hehehehehhe short updateeeee! Ive been very busy cause school is ending :( im sorry if some of you waited for it... But after school i will update as much as i can! ENJOY! LOVELOTS! >------->❤

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