Date turned to a nightmare

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everything is going great! More than great! She is now mine, my girlfriend, my lover, my mate, my other half...

Nothing could ever make me happier than having this precious bundle of happiness by my side.
Seeing her smile, laugh, giggle, and her vulnerable side with me is everything i could ever hope and wish for in this lifetime, atleast in this chapter of my life it became brighter and surrounded with colors because of her... I promise to myself and to her as her protector, and her lover i will protect her from harms way with everything i have, even if i have to give up my life for her.

I didn't notice that i was in a daze
when becky snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, " tee rak? Are you alright? What are you thinking about? " she asked worriedly and i smiled at her and shook my head, "nothing my love, i just can't believe that you're finally mine to call. " she blushed and i kissed her hand delicately and she giggled.
"Who knew the very stone-cold, strict and perfect little freen could be this sweet. "
i chuckled and looked at her.
"Only you made me this way, tee rak. You are the reason that i'm showing the vulnerable side of me, only you have this effect on me. You are my very weakness tee rak even if i have to lay my life for you i will because i love you and i will always love you in every lifetime that passes by... " she became teary-eyed with what i said and she stood up from her side of the table and hugged me tight and i hugged her back.

" i love you freen... " she said and hugged me tight and before i could even respond i saw a glimpse of a hooded creature and tried to stab becky, luckily i carried becky and jumped up to avoid the stake that was about to hit becky's back.
Becky looked at me scared and i tried calling all my friends through telepathy to come through and help me and they all responded back

The creature or should i say a vampire was laughing like a maniac and i knew that laugh even just from a mile away.


" Good eye mutt.... " he said while shooting daggers at me and i growled at him.

" what do you want nop?! Aren't you embarrassed enough that you we're punished? " he looked at me fuming in anger as he was about to pounce at me a tall hooded vampire came forward and nop calmed down, "freen sarocha.... It is so nice to finally meet you.. " said the vampire and it was callisto....

I put becky behind me and started to change into my vampire and werewolf form altogether,
"W-who is that freen?... " becky asked me and she was trembling beside me i held her hand tightly and looked at her

"Callisto...... The leader of the vendallas.... " becky looked at me wide-eyed as she knew my past with these people she held my hand like it was the last time that she was gonna hold me and i looked at her reassuringly that everything would be fine not until callisto pointed her finger at becky and i went protective mode on her,

"You.... Princess... The last of the armstrong clan... You are the one i have been looking for... The last piece of the puzzle.... " he laughed lowly and moved in a fast-pace but i caught him even before he could grab becky, i threw him off and grabbed becky by the waist and jumped from tree to tree to escape them.

His henchmen were following us and becky was terrified holding on to me,
"Becky, i need you to do something for me okay?  You remember what we practiced right? Your powers, use the dark matter and hit them. " she looked at me terrified and i could read her face clearly that she's scared of failing.

"I trust you becky, i know you can do it just think of what we practiced together and jst do it. " she nodded and tried creating the dark matter and made it bigger and bigger and looked at the target and she hit them square in the head and  i smiled at her and she held on to me tightly while fighting the vendallas behind us.
A few seconds later my friends arrived and they were holding off all the vendallas and i came back down the treelines and put becky down i didnt notice that callisto was infront of us and i put becky behind me and growled at him.

"Feisty... " he said and i gritted my teeth and in one swift move callisto held my neck and i felt a sharp pain in my side and he stabbed me with a stake full of wolfsbane..


I was growing weaker and weaker and i could see that my friends were protecting becky from approaching me as callisto held my neck tighter and he brought his face close to my ear anf whispered.

" say hello to your family for me.. " he let go of my neck and he laughed like a maniac and callisto and all of the other vendallas disappeared and all i coild hear was becky's screams in the background and i blacked out.

I guess im going with the light now..

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