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Becky's pov:

My heart is pounding rapidly as i approach my lover's tube i touched the glass and leaned my forehead and smiled and said inside my head.

This is it my love.... Youre coming back..

I nodded at nueng and she open the tube i looked at my freen and she looks so peaceful... I caressed her cheek and held her hand and put it in her heart. I closed my eyes and my power went through her i could feel our connection coming bacl and just like that she gasped for air and my love has woken up from her deep slumber. I smiled and looked at her.

" teerak... " i whispered and she looked at me wide eyed and held my face, my hair, she looked at my eyes and there were a shade of gold and she smiled softly, " you did it teerak... You did it.. " i held her hands and all of a sudden a jolt came inside us and we both glowed i looked at freen and her hair became black and long with strips of red and her eyes were the most glowing piercing red that i have ever seen, her skin glittered like mine and just like that, the queen looked at us and smiled.

" the bond between is now connected for eternity...immortality has bestowed upon them... " she bowed her head to us which shock us all after the queen bowed all of them bowed down to us and we looked at each other and held our hands, we released a great surge of power protecting our coven and our land making them all stronger. Wolves, vampires and even half-breeds altogether became strong and one with our connection. " we bestow upon you immortality as well. " the wolves howled, the vampires cheered as they are surging with new energy in them.

We were all ready for battle.

We shared our plan with nueng that me and freen hides and let callisto think he won, after he sits on the throne we will come out and kill him ourselves and nueng smirked and nodded and they got ready for battle.

"Wait! " freen looked at me weirdly but i pulled her by the waist and kissed her on the lips, how ive long for her kiss, her touch, her smell, i longed for every inch of herself we pulled for air and she smiled at me, " ive missed you teerak... " she whispered and i leanes our foreheads together, "ive missed you too teerak... Once this is over? We will have another date that you wont forget. " she chuckled and held my hand and kissed my forehead.

I will never let you die again. Not this time.

Freen's pov:

I knew she could do it, i looked at myself in the mirror as my appearance changed
My hair got longer it has a strips of red in it, my eyes is a shade of bright ruby red, i feel power surgr inside me that im ready to release. Now that im back ill make sure your life will be a living hell Callisto... I will make sure you pay back for everything you did to me, to becky, to everyone.

The ground shook and the alarms were blaring, Callisto was attacking the academy already i smirked and grab the coat and put on the hood, "lets dance, callisto.... "  i got out of the room and looked at becky and she was wearing a white coat i held her hand and she smiled at me and i smiled back, " we will end this. Once and for all teerak. " she nodded and we went out and got ready to kill Callisto.

*at the throne*

Our friends and companions kept fighting as Callisto had alot of reinforcements pushing through the academy, as we gave them immortality they can never die. Callisto's group grew small very slowly without Callisto knowing, every henchmen tried to approach us and kills us as we walk the hallways of the academy but with one step we take,  a henchmen dies. Thats how powerful weve become.

We arrive at the throne and saw Callisto laughing and killing our fellow vampires with the poison dagger,  i growled in anger  but becky gripped my hands tightly to calm me down and i did we stopped right at the throne and Callisto looked at us, "and who might you guys be? A new companions? " he smirked and laughed and we just chuckled, "you know, its bad to play the king when the crowned queen is still alive. " becky said taking off her hood and looked at callisto with anger in her eyes and callisto was a bit shock of her appearance but played it cool. "You think with your new appearance i would get scared of you? " he laughed loudly but becky just smirked, " yeah i guess it doesnt scare you, but this might. " i took off my hood and his eyes went wide in shock as he saw me standing in his face and i smirked at him. "What? Cat got your tongue?" He struggled to find words to speak,  " but y-you.. You died!! Right in front of me! How!! " he was fuming in anger and i looked at becky and callisto and explained why i had to die.

" it was all part of a plan. Remember becky when luna made you go first? " she nodded and i smiled, " i had to die for becky to unlock her true potential and she did. Even if i had to sacrifice my life for her id do it all over again and agaim and again and again just for her. " she gripped my hand and we looked at callisto and in one swift move we faced callisto head on, " i killed you ijce, i can do it again. " he was about to stab me when i held his arm and break it and snap the dagger in half and stab it to him i looled at him and smirked, " get off of my lovers throne you asshole. " i grabbed his neck and he started laughing. " more will come for you!!The both of you! Soon all your heads will be on a stake!" He laughed loudly and i snapped his head in half and threw him on the ground.

I stomped my feet on the ground and the ground shook,  "THE WAR IS OVER! ALL OF YOU WHO FOUGHT FOR CALLISTO SURRENDER OR YOU WILL FACE PUNISHMENT OF TREASON. " becky said and all of callisto's henchmen looked at their leader lying lifelessly on the floor and they all knelt down and surrendered all of our friends and companions cheered in happiness as the war is finally over.

A  shortttt updateeee my loveliesss hehehe thank you guys for readingggg oblivion of two worldsss check out my new story in the making the day i fell for you❤ i hope you guys have a great dayyyy todayyyy LOVELOTS! ❤

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