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Freen's pov:

why did this fucking consitution exist? this is just great! my mate being put as a prize for all those wanna be prince charming, tsk. 

i slumped down on my seat and tee quickly looked at me, "  i heard what happened...the queen couldnt do anything about it?" i sighed and shook my head, " what if i kidnapped that prince?" i glared at jim and she smiled nervously, neung patted my shoulder, " im sorry little one..but hey i know you can do all those challenges." i looked at neung and scoffed, " first off, i dont have millions and millions of gold like those prince, second i am not rich, and third, i am not rich." neung rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms, "you really dont know much about our bloodline do you?" i looked at her confuse and she sat down beside me, 

" you, song, and me are royals."

"WHAT?!" jim,tee,yuki,song and me shouted and neung scratched her nape sheepishly, "oops?" 

"and you did not bother to tell me??" neung sigh, " that's what mother and father wrote in the last will little one...they did not want the royal bloodlines to ridicule us because of our coven got erased...and you being the half-blood..but i guess they still did...forgive me..i was just following our parents orders...."

i sigh and jim and tee and yuki were still in shock of the news.

"so that explains everything..." yuki said and tee and jim looked at me smiling widely and i looked at them confuse, " that means you're rich! like rich rich! right neung?" neung nodded smiling, " and there's one more...our grandmother is the sister of our queen delakov.." i looked at neung wide-eyed and they were all too.

"why do you think the queen is very soft on us and she kept us here in the academy for so many years?" i thought about it and it was true she did keep us here till we grew up, "so that means..." 

"you can challenge the prince and you can declare your royalty infront of the people with the queen's permission of course." she smiled and i smirked.

" wow...our friend..a royal..." tee teased and i rolled my eyes, " oh please like you arent royals tee and jim." they smiled sheepishly and i looked at neung,

 " wait, so if im a royal why doesnt the whole vampire population here knows that im a royal?" neung crossed her arms and looked at me. " as i've said they wanted us safe so we did know that we are chankimhas right? well i taught you to only write freen sarocha and song as well and me to only wrote sarochas on our last names even though we know that we have chankimhas  as last names." i nodded and smiled, " can i declare it now?" neung rolled her eyes and smiled softly, "yes you can just ask permission to our auntie, i know you want to get your mate but be careful, after you declare that you are a chankimha every vampire all around the world will know we are alive and they will stop at nothing to get us killed to erase our kind." 

i nodded seriously and looked at my sister, " and i will protect our name and clean it from the dirty rumuors spread by selfish vampires." i hugged my sister and ran to the queen's chambers and before i could knock the door was already opened and the queen was smiling at me. 

" i suppose you already know?" i smiled at her and closed the door and nodded, " yes your majesty.." she smiled softly and she slowly moved closer to me and hugged me tight and i hugged her back and sighed softly, " oh....i wanted to do this for a very long time...." i stepped backward  and smiled at her, we sat down and she told me alot about my family bloodline and i was beyond happy to know more about my coven and when she was done i sighed contently and she looked at me, " i have a question your ma-" 

" auntie will be fine dear.." i smiled and nodded, " i have a question auntie..can i...declare that im a royal?" she looked at me seriously, " is this about the challenge and your mate being put as the prize?" i nodded and she sigh, " can, but are you sure about this freen? sure your sister told you that if you will declare you are a royalty each and every one of the vampires will know and they would do anything to stop your coven from growing considering that you are the other half of the crowned queen." 

i thought hard and sure before answering her and looked at her, " i'm sure. i love the princess auntie, even if they will try to stop me i will give my all to protect the love of my life and make sure that she will always be safe and we will protect the coven no matter what happens. it is a promise that i will keep." i said seriously and she looked at me and smiled, " very well. i give you my blessings and you may say that you are my niece and as long as i live i will protect you." i smiled and hugged her tight and she chuckled, " goodluck my dear.." 

i nodded and she told me that i should stay here first and get ready in declaring my name.

[ next day]

Becky's pov:

im getting anxious and worried because freen hasn't been reaching out to me since yesterday and yuki and our friends are acting weird around me. something's up. i walked in the hallways of our school and heading outside as the queen said that there will be a great announcement happening. 

i sat down in one of the chairs and yuki,tee,jim, and song sat beside me and i tried asking what's happening and they just said to me that i'll know about it soon, the suspense is killing me and this douchebag prince kept bugging me and i rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. 

the trumpets roared and the queen arrived we all stood up and greeted the queen and sat down,

" as you can see i have gathered you all today to witness an announcement, this particular vampire have been hidden for many centuries to keep her safe from all the backlash of our kind. but now, she has decided to declare her royalty to get the hand of our crowned queen and challenge the prince." 

she? who is this..she? another of those challengers for my hand? 

i was getting angrier and angrier when freen walked out looking like...a goddess...

"holy shit..." i whispered and she looked at me and winked and i blushed, 

"look at becky...she's seriously drooling.." yuki giggled and song joined and i glared at them and they laughed silently.

"damn..she looks sexy right becky?" jim added smirking and i nodded still looking at her and tee just smirked. 

freen went to the center and look at us and lastly to me and smiled, " as all of you know, i am just your average non-royal, i also thought that i am just a non-royal, a halftie, a mutt, as all of you say. but now i stand here in front of you to declare that i am the last heir of our coven. I am Princess Freen Sarocha Chankimha.." gasp and murmurs were heard everywhere that i couldnt even keep up with it.

"she's a princess?" 
"i thought that coven was completely erased.."
" we're so dead.."

i looked at her and i smiled, " and i challenge the prince with the hand of the Princess." she smirked and the prince looked piss and i looked at her smiling proudly at her.

"im very proud of you my love...." 

i said in her mind and she blushed..

this couldnt get anymore better....

AHHHHHH!!! i has now come backkkkk and with new twist and ideass for thissss who knew freen was a royal? surpriseeee! how would this turn outt??  im excited hehe... LOVELOTS!

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