Confused Feelings

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damn....why did i even do that? felt..right? i flopped down on my sit and stared out the window, it's combat class and i dont even feel like fighting because of what happened earlier, every time i remember it my cheeks would turn a shade of red. 
"ughhhh!" i punched the wall beside me and Yuki got startled, 

"geez armstrong! no wonder your called armstrong. what's got your emotions twisted? hm?" she shuddered but still konsoled me, i sighed. 

"its just....Freen. she makes me do...unusual things you know? like what happened to Lady Nita i just angry....that she called Freen her girlfriend." i rolled my eyes at the memory and slumped over Yuki just looked at me like im the most stupidest vampire she met in the entire world. 
"BECKY! YOU LIKE HER! LIKE! LIKE LIKE HER!" she shouted and i looked at her to make her zip her mouth and she just smiled innocently and held up a peace sign and i rolled my eyes. 
"Becky, you like her. you don't stare like that with a woman if you dont like her. you wont do stupid things or feel jealous if someone was liking the person you like. face the truth Beck. You like her." i looked at her and thought about it. 
" but....its still early to know. it has just been a day Yuki. i wanna know her more, not because she's my protector, but to know if this....feelings i have for her will subside. let's observe it for a while okay? and if this feelings of mine will continue we will know i like her in a romantic way." i looked at Yuki and she smiled. 
"see? you are doing well. youre like doing a diplomatic thing already." i rolled my eyes at her and she giggled.  
but come to think of it, whenever im near her or just staring at her i seemed to feel it felt right being around felt like a puzzle piece is coming together and it gives me an adrenaline rush in my body, and it actually makes me....happy.....i feel happiness towards her..even though i get annoyed by how she acts as a jerk and an idiot maybe it is her way of putting her walls up. 

i will bring her walls down and make her open up to me no matter what. 

the whistle blew signalling for us that classes is starting. 


i was surprised by what she said earlier that my wolf jumped in joy, maybe i have a shanse with her, but i dont wanna burst my bubble with false hopes so i will still keep my walls up. 
i heard the conversation yuki and her were having in the training grounds and maybe i have a slight chance with my mate, i just have to show her that im not just a jerk and an idiot that she thinks. 

i sighed and Tee looked at me like all the world's burden fell on my shoulder, "girl problems Freen?" she smirked and i rolled my eyes but nonetheless asks her.

" do know..act like not a jerk around someone you might like?" she was surprised by my question but she answered me. 

" well.....if you really like her freen, you should treat her with care not just insult her here and there. buy her flowers, buy her with anything she likes or even a letter. even though she may be ruling as a queen soon she is still a woman who loves to receive those kinds of treatment. show her that you can treat her like a queen and not just a protector of hers. here's where the lover and a fighter collide inside you freen. while youre a fighter, be a lover to her. don't ever hurt her feelings freen. always remember that."

 Tee smiled at me and patted my back and walked away and i stood still thinking of what she said and leaned on the wall looking at her training, i took the liberty to talk to my wolf to pass the time. 

( F for freen    A for akira her wolf) 

F: akira
A: yes, Freen?
F: are you really sure she's our mate?
A: yes, positive. 
F: how would you know? 
A: because, whenever your near her, smelling her,just being around her , you can sense this big energy surrounding her that makes you feel high over it and its intoxicating to the point you dont wanna stop being around her. 
F: what else?
A: well, you get territorial, possessive, protective, and more active around her surroundings against possible rivalry against her that can take our mate away from us. whenever she's there you just want her close to you and when you lose contact it's like losing half your soul whenever she isnt there.
F: what if she does not accept the bond?
A: then we will remain mate less, it will be a crushing feeling like something tore from inside you if she rejects you.

i stopped talking to akira when i sensed Becky approaching me, " have you been standing there?" she said while wiping her sweat off her face, i nodded.
"yep, just observing you from afar princess and i gotta say, you know your moves." she blushed and coughed while walking,
" my advisor got me a trainer to teach me everything that i needed to know on fighting. My parents wanted me to be a strong, independent, and a compassionate leader when time comes and i guess this is it. its just sad that they wont get to see it you know." i can feel her sadness radiating through me and made my wolf whimper. 

make her happy, you idiot. my wolf said. 

"uhm..i dont know if it this will help." she looked at me and i opened my arms and looked at her weirdly and i rolled my eyes and pulled her into me and i hugged her tight. she was surprised at first but eventually hugged me back and i rubbed her back and i could feel my heartbeat going so fast. 
" they said hugs help when a person feels sad. so uhm....i hope this helps." she nuzzled on my chest and looked up at me and smiled. 
" i guess this jerk has a warm heart." she looked at me like im the only person around and i looked away as blood started to rush on my face and i let go of her slowly, 
" y-yeah..uhm..we should go..or you'll be late." i said to her and she was smiling ear to ear and linked our arms together and looked at me. 
" you arent so bad after all, but you owe me a story cause i told you mine." she kicked my knee and i groaned in pain and she skipped and looked at me and held her tongue out and laughed. 

brat.....i said to myself.

you made her happy! my wolf said and a small smile crept up to my face.

huh..i guess i did....maybe i do have a chance i just have to do better in this...courting thing.

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