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i never in a million years would be taken out on a date! this is very nerve-wracking for me especially im going out with my first love and my protector, a smile kept up to my face everytime i remember the day she asked me out i wouldn't be more happier than now. 

" you look so in love." said yuki giggling and i blushed, " shut up, like you're not in love with tee." she blushed in returned and i laughed loudly and she huffed, " not my fault she's too handsome.." she mumbled and i chuckled. 

hmmm....what should i wear....i am confused on what to wear so i ask yuki what should i wear, "hey yuki, what should i wear?" yuki looked at me for a split second and snapped her fingers. 

"wear something casual, casual yet elegant. Freen loves you already, anything you wear will look stunning for her." i blushed and nodded. 
i rummaged through my closet and found the perfect outfit and i smirked and went inside the bathroom and changed my clothes. 

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when i was done hanging, i looked at myself in the mirror for the final time and took a deep breathe and walked downstairs and freen was already there waiting for me and the more i got closer to her the more i got to see the detail of what she was wearing. 

she was wearing a simple black blazer with white tank top inside that showed off her toned abs and a fitted pants that showed her curves around her body i was so stunned by her beauty a  coughed distracted me from my imaginations. 

" like what you see princess? take a picture it'll last longer." she smirked and i rolled my eyes at her, " still very cocky are we?" she smiled, a genuine freaking smile and it suits her so much. 
"you should smile more you look more prettier." i said sincerely and a blush crept on her cheek and she huffed and i laughed


she held out her hand on me and i gladly took her hand in mine and she led us outside and went inside her car and she buckled me up before she went to the driver's seat. 

"where are we going?" i asked and she just held my hand and kissed it and i blushed, " it's a surprise my lady." she winked and i pushed her playfully and she chuckled, " just sit back and enjoy the view. i'm sure you're gonna like it there." she started driving her car and i just looked at her while she's still focused on the road, " its getting creepy you staring at me." 

i smirked, "why? is it making you nervous?" i put my hand on her lap and she stiffened by the  contact, " w-what are you doing p-princess?" i just went quiet and raised my hand a little more to her inner thigh and she was panting and i retracted my hand and laughed at her, " you should have seen your face!" i laughed and she stopped the car on the side road and in one swift move she was on top of me and her face was mere inches on mine to the point i could feel her breathing on my skin she lifted my chin and i looked at her eyes and it was dilated and red. 
" don't play that game princess, i can take you right here and make you feel the things you haven't felt before." my heart was beating fast and i was so red from the lust i sensed into her and she went back to her seat and started to drive again and she laughed. 

" not funny!" i crossed my arms still feeling the heat on my face and ones she was done laughing she held my hand and kissed it ad smiled, " apologies my lady." i held her hand and looked at her, " you better buy me ice cream when we get there. " she chuckled and nodded, " anything to make you smile my love." she said and i smiled and looked at the view from the outside while holding her hand.

cant this day get any better? 

a few hours in the ride we stopped beside a beach and i got confused, " why are we here?" 
she looked at me adoringly and said, " well, i kinda asked yuki what do you like of the outside world, and she asked you like the ocean so...tada...i reserved this whole villa...for you.." she smiled and my heart was beating a million times faster than before, 

i couldnt be more luckier to have this girl in my life....

she went outside her car and opened the passenger seat for me and held her hand and i held it and we walked inside the villa and there were rose petals lying on the sand and on the far end of the place was a candle lit dinner for the both of us..

i never knew she could be this...sweet behind the cold demeanor she has...

she went infront of me and held both of my hands and looked at me nervously, 

" you've known...i'm not the sweet type kind of vampire slash werewolf..but it all changed when you arrived....i felt more alive....happier...and you gave me the reason to live again....after my parents died, i also died with them...i really thought i will never be happy again and that i will be all alone in this world but....luna gave me a chance and gave because of that, i will not waste this very moment i have with you....and so Rebecca Patricia Armstrong....will you be mine forever? will you be my other half? will you be my lover forever in this lifetime?...." she held on to my hands tightly anticipating my answer and i felt a tear fell in my eye at her sincerity with loving me..... no one has ever been this kind to me....loving..caring...and protective of me......

" yes....yes yes yes and a million yes!" she smiled and lifted me up in happiness and i held on to her and she put me back down and held me by my waist and her eyes went from my eyes to my lips and we got closer and closer..and closer...till it happened...

we kissed...

it felt as if a million fireworks were exploding in my stomach as i felt her soft lips on mine and her hands holding me securely, we stopped to take a breathe and leaned our foreheads together and smiled at  each other...

" i love you princess..."
" i love you more than you know Freen..."

freen smiled and led me to the dining table and started to eat and talked about everything to know about each other...

i felt a weird presence around us but i shrugged it off as i want to enjoy this very moment with her. just me in the starry sky and the beautiful love of my life in front of me. 


HELLOOOO! i am so very sorry for the late update...i have been very busy with my life here and my mom was sick and i had to take good care of her hehe......butt!! pfft, butt hahhahah 
but! i will update more as i have more spare time right now heheh 
i hope you enjoy this story! TOODLES! 

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