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i sighed as i leaned on the wall looking at other protectors doing training when Nueng approach me, 

" whats wrong little one? still thinking of your mate?" she chuckled and i just huffed. 
"im worried." she looked at me and leaned on the wall,
 " wow, its a first that you actually feel worried about something." she laughed and i just rolled my eyes at her

" im worried for Becky, right now she has been locking herself up in her room, not eating right, not focusing on class, not even acknowledging her friends. im worried that what she discovered took a toll on her." i sighed and Nueng looked at me. 

"she is just adjusting to the new environment that she is in little one. knowing she is crowned to be queen and her harnessing the dark and light elementals it is not an easy news to recieve."

Nueng looked at the training grounds silently as i was contemplating on what to do to make Becky happy when Nueng spoke up, "why dont you take Becky off campus for a while? take her out on a date or something, relieve her of her stress and just let her be herself for a day." Nueng shrugged and i thought about it for a while.

why not? " hmm..great idea Nueng, thank you. ill bring the others too. how about you?" Nueng shook her head and smiled. 

" duty calls kid, you enjoy your time but just be home before sundown you already know the drill." i nodded and smiled slightly at her. " thanks, for always being there." Nueng rolled her eyes.

" gosh, Becky has rubbed off of you youre too nice now." i chuckled and texted my friends that we can go out from campus for a while and they agreed, i put my phone down and went to Becky's room to invite her out.

i took a deep breathe and knocked on becky's door softly, 
"whos there?" her faint voice answered. 
" its me, freen open up." i heard shuffles and she slowly opened her door seeing the petite girl made my heart soar and i smiled at her. 
" and my other friends are going out of campus and i was wondering if i could take you know...for some stress relieving activities?..." i looked at her awkwardly and shrugged. 

she seems to hesitate and  i held her face, " i know youve been feeling down about everything right now, i arranged this little out of campus tour so you could be yourself for a while princess." i smiled softly and she was surprised that i noticed she leaned to my touch and i rubbed her cheeks. 

" so...would you make me the happiest vampire slash werewolf to take you out on a date?" i smiled a little and she smiled, gosh i miss that smile.....

"okay...wait for me i'll fix myself first." i nodded and she closed the door.
not bad freen. not bad. said my wolf. 
shut up. i said feeling embarrassed.

her door opened and she was dressed into a  black hoodie and jeans and she brought her umbrella with her, i held out my hand and she gladly took it and smiled and i smiled back. 

*outside the academy* 

i saw everyone on the gate and Tee had her car parked already and we went inside and blasted music and Yuki, Becky, Song and jim sang to the lyrics and we were just looking at them having fun, seeing Becky like this her happy self gives relief that she will be alright. 

*on the forest* 

Tee and i hopped down first and helped the other girls come down, i held out my hand for Becky and she slipped and almost fell but i was faster and caught her just in time and my hands were on her waist as her hands was dangling on my neck and our faces were mere inches apart, a blush crept up becky's face and i could feel my face heating up until a voice disrupted us

" oi! you can do that later! PDA!" Jim shouted and i placed Becky properly on the ground and we were both a blushing mess, " y-you go ahead, ill b-bring the stuff..." i moved and took the picnic  things and Becky just shook her head giggling and went with yuki.

damn it....stuttering? really?

we were walking down the path and we saw the bridge Tee and i made when were still teenagers yuki,jim, and Becky were amazed at how beautiful the forest looked and the bridge was a great spot for us to sit down as it was located at the very heart of the forest. 

"woah, you guys made this?" yuki asked surprised and me and tee nodded, 

" yeah, we used to sneak out around the academy cause we really hated it and got boring too so we would be here and we decided to make a bridge to you know use as a hang out place if we feel troubled or not really feeling the mood." tee sat down beside yuki and i sat down beside Becky holding her hand and she blushed, 

" you have been holding my hand quite alot, Bunny." she giggled. 
" bunny?" i asked and she nodded giggling, 
"yeah, bunny. your teeth looks like a bunny." i rolled my eyes and she laughed 

the sweet melody of her laugh makes me feel funny inside and i love hearing her laugh, seeing her smile and just the bubbly side of her.

i will not let anyone hurt her. not now that shes mine.
my mate. my luna.


as the group of friends were having fun, something was lurking through the trees and looking only to Becky, 

"you better have fun little princess.....this will be the last time you'll ever get to be happy again..."
it growled and hid into the shadows waiting for sundown to come 

who could this be? what is its intentions to the princess? 

sundown was coming and they were preparing to go home when freen heard rustling not far away from them, even tee and jim paid attention and they all went silent. 

freen held out her stake so did tee and Jim and the next thing they knew, a loud shriek was heard all around the forest, they were being attack by  a group of Vendallas. 

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