Wrath of the Princess

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Becky's pov: 

all of this needs to stop, this is all just bullshit. 

this is just ridiculous and full of nonsense! my girlfriend is getting hurt because of this and the wanna be prince thinks he can take me and this..guy saint is just too much! 

This. All. Needs. To. Stop. 

i cant bear looking at my girlfriend dying and surviving the challenges, i have made my decision clear whether they like it or not i will stop all of this. this constitution is full of shit.

i went inside the queen's chambers and talked to her. 

" your  majesty, this needs to stop. i cant bear looking at freen getting wounded and dying and even though she is winning it is still unacceptable! she doesnt need to fight for my hand she is mine and i am hers!" i burst at the queen and the queen sighed sadly. 

" i know my dear...but the constitut-"

" THE CONSTITUTION SUCKS!" i shouted and the queen was surprised. 

" i'm sorry your majesty but this is just...preposterous! just because im the last heir and the crowned queen everyone has to fight for my hand when
 i've already chosen who i want to be with!
and that will never change!
 i hate seeing her getting hurt..that's why i will end all of this once and for all." i said seriously and the queen looked at me seriously.

"there is a way..but..you have to face the council my dear...and it is hard to make them agree with what you want..the last time that happened...it did not end well..remember freen's parents? they we're the last one who confronted the council about it and they failed..i dont want you to face the same fate..." the queen said, i clench my fist and looked at her.

"then i will be the first to make them agree. i cant just let them kill each other for me.
for this...constitutional shit! i've had enough. i will face the council and convince them as hard as i can. and if they won't then..so be it. i will do it in a very different way." i turned around and got ready for my journey to the council. 

as i was packing i notice someone on my doorframe and it was freen leaning on it, " where are you going young lady?" she asked seriously and i sighed. 

" i'm going to the council to stop this stupid nonsense." i zipped up my bag and was about to walk out the door when freen stopped me.

"and you think you're going there alone?" she looked at me seriously, "i'm not letting you go there alone, im coming with you. tee rak, you dont need to do this alone...you have me and whatever your decision is? i will be there to back you up." she smiled and i hugged her. 

" i just..dont want you getting hurt anymore...it hurts seeing you like that...i love you and youre the only one i love.....that's why all this constitution thing is stupid..." she sighed and made me look at her and she smiled softly, " then we will go to the council and we'll give it our best shot to makes them say yes." i nodded and kissed her. 

God i love her so much.

[ on the way to the council] 

we are inside the car heading to the council when my curiosity got the best of me, " tee rak, i have a question." she looked at me.

"you do know this is what your parents did when they hated the constitution's rules right?.." i said nervously and she nodded smiling. 
"yes my love, and i know it didnt go too well. me being a half-blood and all and im sure the council knows that i exist. that's why im a bit scared that....we will face the same fate as my parents did...and i dont want you to face that kind of life.." she held my hand tight looking at me fear was visible and i kiss the top of her hand and smiled.

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