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Becky's pov:

a few days passed after the first challenge that happened, the prince kept on taunting freen but freen just brushed him off and it has been making him mad.

something's really up with this challenge thing, my advisor didnt even told me that there such things like this in the consitution maybe i was too young back then that's why he havent thought me this part of the constitution in the coven. 

i was pulled from my thoughts when i felt two arms encircling my waist and i smiled instantly when i already knew who it was. 

"what's got my princess so serious? " she kissed my forehead and made me face her, i sighed.

"it's just...i did not know that there are such things as this..."challenges" in being a queen." she sighed and kissed my forehead, "hey...dont worry. we'll get through this tee rak, we're stronger than this pathetic prince and you know it." i chuckled and smiled at him but internally something was really up with everything. there's just a tingling feeling in my stomach that there could be a sabotage happening. 

[second day of challenge]

i woke up early to have a walk in the forest and think about the challenge today, i already told freen that i was gonna take a walk,  few minutes from the walk i hear two voices talking from a far so i used my power to make me invisible and it worked i walked up to the voices and i saw the prince and another person talking to him. 

"this is ridiculous saint! i could never win with that half-blood! especially they're connection is intact? i dont have any chances against her!" kirk was fuming mad and the guy named saint just chuckled and i felt chills running down my spine. 

" relax prince, i'm gonna give you a hint on what the second challenge would be. it is about being able to sacrifice one's life for the safety of all the people." saint crossed his arms and the prince scoffed, " how the hell am i gonna do that? you know im not up for that kind of things." 

he laughed, "that's where i come in." he smirked and the prince was confused, " what do you mean?"  saint rolled his eyes, and he turned into the prince and the prince was shock

my eyes went wide, " it cant be..." i felt numb by this revelation as the saint guy turned into the prince and smirking infront of the prince.

"i will be the one to face this challenge for you and win it. you are too weak as a prince..." kirk scoffed and crossed his arms. Saint flexed his body and smirk devilishly, " time to get the throne and get what's mine.." he laughed like a maniac and i ran away fast and got to freen quickly.

[at the castle]

i searched for freen and i was too late, the challenge was starting and i searched for yuki and song but there we're nowhere to be found. the trumptes sound and the queen was announcing the challenge, freen and the phony prince was infront of the queen. 

"freen, listen to me. thats not the prince." i said to her in telepathy and she looked at me confused.

"what do you mean not the prince?" she replied.

"while i was out for a stroll, i found prince kirk and this guy named saint and they're trying to sabotage you. the second challenge is about sacrificing one's self for the greater safety of everyone. please be careful this guy is dangerous." she listened intently and looked serious then nodded her head.

"then without further a due, let the second challenge begin!" the queen said and the crowd roared into cheer. 

"the second challenge, as you can notice there are some people who are missing, some important persons important to you." a screen popped up, yuki and song was underwater and there were two person next to them, must be the prince's relatives.

" you must rescue them, and lead them to safety before the clock runs out and the creatures under the sea take them as their prisoners. may the best royal win." 

freen and the phony prince got ready and the phony prince just smirked and as the  whistle blowed the phony prince moved so fast, freen and the queen was surprised by the immense speed the prince showed and freen caught up to the prince and they dived into the ocean and rescued their loved ones, i took this chance to approach the queen and told her what i found out earlier. 

"your majesty, i have something to tell you." the queen looked at me and urged me to come closer, 

" your majesty, the prince that's facing the challenge is a fake, its another person who shapeshift into the face of the prince to sabotage freen." the queen was shock of the revelation and her face turned serious. 

"the only person that i know who could shapeshift is....saint.." fear was evident in her eyes but she remained composed and looked at the screen and we noticed freen not moving anymore. 

"something's wrong, freen's not moving!" i was about to run when i noticed freen woke up and looked around and we saw the phony prince struggling with the sea monsters fighting him off, freen took this opportunity and swam to yuki and song and cut the tie, she was about to lift them up when she notice that the phony prince was struggling and the prince's relatives won't make it so she cut their ties off and drag the four of them all the way up. 

i couldn't watch any longer and ran fast to the ocean and waited for the four bodies to float and they we're coughing and laughing that freen succeeded i smiled with them and the guards took them from the ocean and gave them blanket to warm up, i waited for freen to come up but she didnt only the prince came up and was a coughing mess, he slammed his fist on the boat and shouted. 

"damn it! this is an impossible challenge your majesty! my relatives are still down there!" he was fuming mad and when he looked in my direction his relatives was alive and in blankets he got confused and dawned to him what happened and he smirk, "looks like your princess is dying." 

my aura grew heavy and my eyes turned the shade of purple and golden looking at him and went down the ocean and searched for freen and i saw her floating all the way down i swam fast grabbed her and took her up on the boat and tried reviving her, 

"come on freen dont you dare leave me again!" while i was trying to revive her  i saw something shining on her side, i pulled it out and it was silver. 

i looked at the prince and my hair was showing strips of purple, everything was shaking the phony prince was in fear i felt a cold hand on my face and it was freen. alive. coughing. 

i was relieved that freen is alive and i held her side and secretly healed her and it worked. 

"are you okay? please tell me youre okay..." she smiled and kissed me, " no one could ever take me away from you." i hugged her tight and she hugged me back, the crowd cheered and the phony prince was fuming mad and anger was evident in her eyes. 

" the second challenge was rough, but..we saw who was the true winner in this challenge and that is Princess Freen Sarocha Chankimha!" the crowd cheered once again and i smiled at her and she raised her fist in the air and we all cheered for her. 

"the next challenge will be more difficult than this one. this will be the last challenge and we will determine who will get the hand of the princess." 

everyone was chanting freen's name and i looked at the phony prince and i smirked at him and he was about to lunge at me when his guards stopped him and they all walked away fuming. 

"one more challenge and i'm so gonna marry you after this." i blushed and peck her lips and took her to the academy.

i will keep her safe no matter what. i'm stopping this nonsense once and for all.

what could becky be planning?? could it be bad? or good? how would everything turn on the last challenge? stay tuned on the next chapter. MY LOVELIES I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THE STORY! also! sneak peek! i have an upcoming story to make it is a crossover over two ships that ive been watching and i would LOVE to know your opinion if i should put a part 2 on this story, please do tell me your opinionn I LOVE YOU ALL! 

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