Unbreakable Bond

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"Hey uhm...Can i ask something?" i looked at Nueng and she smiled at me, " what do you mean by.....a mate?" she chuckled as she sat down. 

"i guess she haven't told you yet, The queen did say that she is a half-blood right?" i nodded.

" well...Freen here has the blood of a werewolf and of a vampire that's why i said she did found her mate because on the day she saw and felt you, freen and her wolf inside her knew you are her mate." my eyes went wide and looked at her, "so that explains the time that when i said in a whisper that she was a jerk she heard me." Nueng chuckled, 

"excuse my Little sister's behavior she can be a handful but once you get to know her she is the sweetest,most caring half-blood sister of mine. me and song are the pure blood vampire born, only her was the half-blood and thats what makes her special. those people calling her mutt, halftie they just fear her ability because she is ten times faster than a vampire, ten times stronger than a wolf. she is just misunderstood is all. and because of it she built a wall around that even me cant reach inside. she is that scared of letting people in because shes scared that if they get what they want they will eventually...leave. ever since our parents died. i havent seen her with a genuine smile plastered on her face and when i saw how she smiled slightly while looking at you i knew you can change my little sister." she looked at me smiling and she held my hand.

"please do not leave my freen, Becky...she loves you even if its just a day that you guys met but when she declares that you are her mate? even just for a day that you guys met it feels like its been a million years ago that she loves you. she loves you more than you know Becky. so please...give my little sister a chance." Nueng held my hand tightly and i held her hands tight too. 

" i-i guess i can open up my thoughts to you..uhm...ever since i met her too i just have this undeniable feeling of being around her all the time. i just want to be close to her, being able to hug her, look at her..or even....just making her smile completes me. its like when she shook my hand on that very first day a bond was made....and i gotta admit...loving her feels right... more than anything...but..i wanna take it slow first..i do not wanna rush things.. i wanna know her more...i wanna know who Freen is behind those walls she built." i looked at freen and her sister gazed softly at me. 

" Luna and her wolf made a very good choice to make you her mate. this is the unbreakable bond you are feeling towards each other." she said to me and i got confused, " unbreakable bond? " she nodded. 

"it is a connection between two people who are made to be mates by fate. this unbreakable bond will be stronger if both bloods will combine under luna's gaze. and on that day both of you will be inseparable." she explained and i was fascinated hearing it. 

" i know its still very early but i love your sister. i just...dont know how to tell her." i looked down and Nueng chuckled, " shell be happy to hear that her mate loves her back. just tell her when she wakes up. and everything else will follow. you already have my blessing Becky." Nueng smiled and i smiled back as she walked away and i stayed by Freen's side, now that im this close to her i can make up the tiny features on her face.
how her face contorts when she feels pain, how she feels and looks at peace sleeping, her lips, her nose..her silky soft skin, i cant help but touch it and sighed contently.

" you know if you were somebody else i would have kicked their ass out." she spoke suddenly as her eyes opened and looked at mine. a blush crept up my face and i sat up straight.

" u-uhm..i-uh..i-uhm.." i couldnt even form any words! god damn it! 

i gathered up all the courage i have and told her about my feelings towards her. 
"F-freen uhm.....i know it is so sudden but uhm...ever since  in the queens chambers i really was admiring you...and....i just..have this connection with you that i cant explain but....i know it feels right..and i know that i like you...no, i love you....i dunno if i sound like i make sense right now but...i do like you...like..like like like you..." i looked down in embarrassment and i felt two fingers on my shin and she made me looked at her and she smiled.

" i like you too. if you can only hear how my wolf is howling inside my head right now at how happy she is that our mate accepted us."  

i held her hand, " but i wanna take it slow..i wanna know you more..weve just known each other for a day and i want to know you more and you can get to know me more as well. deal?" 

i held out my hand for her to shake, she took it and kissed the top of my hand. 

" im just glad i can somehow call you mine Becky. and of course we can take it slow. " she smiled a genuine smile, and i cant help but smile too. 

" you're an idiot you know that?" i said to her and she chuckled. 

" yeah i know but you're stuck with an idiot like me to love." i giggled and held her hand and looked at her and she looked at me like im her most prized possession. 

"you sleep here okay? i gotta go back to my dorm now i still have classes tomorrow." i smiled and she nodded, i bend down and kissed her cheek and she held her cheek and she was blushing i giggled, " you are cute." i stood up and held the door.

" see ya around Freen." i smiled and she smiled back. 
" see you tomorrow....princess.." i smiled for the last time and went to my dorm.

as i went inside my dorm i told Yuki everything and she was beyond happy about it and she was all ears about it and supported me through this.

i just hope that this year wont have anything bad happening unto us...

but those are just wishes right?....

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