22. Ambrosia Mais Doce

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To Emma <3

Ambrosia Mais Doce


Tu é ambrosia mais doce. Angelic light, I see them in your eyes. I see them in your blonde elegance, angel of lights. The people glance at you and gleam, you're so sweet. You care like stripes to its bee.

Honey combs her hair, with honeycomb sweetness. Your vanilla, soft, ice cream words are like angels as they're singing. Ribbons on your necklace, palette of orchids. Purples and cream petals against your perfectly vanilla skin.



Your ribbons tied into coils, a tint of night. Sweetest blackberry pigment on your chain tonight. Rosemary scented locket, Mary Janes. A taste of pain on your lips today. Yet so innocent, yet so broken. Yet you need all that is yours and necromancy is your sweetest sin.

Put yourself first, as you put cherry perfume onto your pretty skin. Black roses on your dress as you say all you're needing to say. Pompeii in a dream, cena desastrosamente bonita. Darkest wickedness, yet your a moon to me and I would stay. It's a part I could never change.



You slip on your nightclothes as you stare on a balcony, at a city so pretty.

'Le monde semble si joli au clair de lune satiné. J'aimerais être plus jolie.'

C'est drôle, la plus chère Emma.

You're so ignorant to your elegance by Andromeda and its scenes that you can't see your personal constellations. You're a passionate girl and sweeter than night. You should see that you're Paris, you're Andromeda, and correct not what I say.

Sensationnel Emma, tu es la représentation de Paris. Tu es une belle Parisienne, tu es belle.

Cookies and Cream


You butter people up, your words taste so sweet. You want them to like you like cookies and cream. Well luckily, I like cookies and cream a lot. I like your sweetness, you're a candy pearl. Candy necklaces, like Lana said, you're an obsession. Anybody 7423600 yards away that won't see you, is ignorant. A person that's so not good to you, not worth you.

You are a treat , I'll continue to like your scent. Cookies and cream are my entire dream and, Emma makes my day.




© Sincerely, ♡ - April 2023

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