34. Crisp Roses

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They crinkle into tiny pieces, like the remaining admiration towards you. I'd pay millions to discard your memory. Once, petals clung to each other and roses would romance alongside their darlings in the way you romanticised your dearest mirror. I know that I wasn't as special to you, sweet ignorance is all you presented besides materialistic presents.

Kiss your mirror and tell it that you're dedicated, I'd rather be alone than listen to your pretence. I crumble your roses like I'm drinking your blood, a corpse laying silent but a black soul screaming within. You never cared about me, and so I pray that your only condoler will be microorganisms.

I want to pierce your skin with screams and stabs as I plunge the knife into your neck. Look into my eyes as you experience the pain you made me tolerate, you ignored my entire existence. Cruel and pain-laced is my promise to you, detested roses into a pool to disappear. Please go and never come back into my world alongside your demonic traits. Good morrow, sweetest prick- I'm ardent to be a dick.

© Sincerely, ♡ - May 2023

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