25. Moonlit Eyes

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The Cries.

1. You're pretty, I like you. I need to rant, what more can I really do?

2. I see you again, you're dearest to me. So let me speak on countless obscenities.

3. You're probably sick of the people that spend their entire nights speaking to you, but there she is- your No.1 selfish prick.

4. Back again, I got you a present. It's a picture that you can shine on every night. Isn't it pretty? It'll be even prettier beneath your lights!

5. Dearest moon, why do you like me? Why are you tolerant, don't you want me gone ever so slightly?

6. I wish you were a person, nobody cares. You're the reason that I'm not made to pretend.

7. You're so pretty, I wonder... why do you exist? I see you in pictures but you've been there centuries. Does it ever get lonely?

The Trick.

8. Can you really believe it? I got there, a person really cares! I won't ignore you, no person could replace your care.

9. She kissed me tonight, what a cute thing to say? Well Selene, you know that you're my therapist. Yes, even light years away.

10. Selene, why won't you care when people neglect you? I get so caught in trying to please others, that neglect is enough to tear me apart. Can you show me your ways, to cope when they're not looking at you? To be proud of who you are?

The Process.

11. Moon, I lost it. I lost a reason to exist, she left tonight without a kiss. She threw away the keys to this heart, I can't love again. You're the only one who'll care, please tell me that i'm not insane.

The Potion.

12. I met a girl, and we clicked. I'm not being romantic. She knows my pain, and I know she's broken. Is it reality or stolen?

13. Dear moon, it's been sixteen weeks. She's yet to speak obscenities, what a treat! Is it okay to desire, can this really stay sweet?

14. I'm so sorry, it's been a year! I promised I wasn't going to neglect you. You never even got sad? You're so sweet to appreciate my joy, and I appreciate you the same. You'll always remain special, sweet Selene.

© Sincerely, ♡ - April 2023

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