1. Angel Ana

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Trigger Warning: ED!

It's not something you want at the start,

It's something you grow to admire over time.

My guardian angel, Ana-
She teaches me to be better, to restrict, to insist.
To insist that I've already eaten, I'm not sick.
Without Ana, I would have never been at my best self, I would have never been a butterfly.

My guardian angel, Ana-
She speaks like an angel, each whisper reaching into my dreams, and encouraging.
Encouraging me to reach towards what I've wanted this entire time,
What I've wanted since the seven year old girl in the reflection wanted to be boney, wanted to be better.
She pinched at her skin, a dangerous desire to be thin.

My guardian angel Ana, saving me, protecting me against my wants and needs.

© Sincerely, ♡ - November 2022

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