32. Corpses

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Please darling, sit by me on a night where the world smells like rain. I want to see you say my name as the songs blast into my ears. Sit on the ground, and bring a cigarette and your lighter. Pass me one too, sit in the semi-silence with me as drops spill out of the clouds like crystal sweets out of a piñata.

The gods are celebrating as we're rained on, yet you and I seem perfectly calm. I'm warmed by your scent and the smile on your lips as I cough on the smoke, escaping my daydream. Then you're getting up and walking, I'm scared you're going to disappear. But to my surprise, you return with a bluebell soaked in the stars.

Sitting back down, you twirl it in your palms and I wish that it was in my locks as you place your palm against my skin and tell me that you admire me. We don't even need to speak, you can sit there with me and let me ramble on. Maybe, I could say a sentence that can interest you and pull you into my world so I could never let you go.

I'm so selfish for wanting your love when there are plenty of other girls you know, and a boy you probably want to keep close. Kisses of corpses are in want, my grave is in your eyes. I can't look at you even in a disguise, it would be my demise. I'd know it's you, it's sad but true. All the roads lead to you, and my soul is painted in a midnight blue as you sing to an empyrean tune.

I'm so silly to make you my precious moon.

© Sincerely, ♡ - May 2023

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