Chapter 7: Fireworks

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Author's pov:

Shraddha easily moved ahead in the spooky cave ignoring the weird stuffs. They didn't scare her a bit. Shaurya was following her closely behind. She shook her head as he suddenly made a scary voice and literally screamed in her ear "Boo!" Rolling her eyes she turned to him and answered "I am not scared of ghost, Drop it. Will you dumbhead?" He shrugged his shoulder giving her a grin.

"I was just confirming it Jalebi." She narrowed her eyes at him and mimicked him imitating a funny voice. "I was just confirming Jalebi." as she stuck her tongue out at him which only earned her a pout from Shaurya.

She looked at him shaking his head as she spoke "A cat is a better company that you!" "And here I thought We were getting closer." He chuckled at her as her lips twitched a bit but she hid her smile before he could see it.

Shaurya then moved ahead as Shraddha followed behind him, suddenly her eyes twinkled, a devilish smile on her lips as she thought of something and carelessly let a skull fall around creating a screeching sound gaining Shaurya's attention.

He ignored the sound like all the other earlier as he looked towards the sound, and moving ahead but what surprised him were the footsteps not following him anymore. He looked around not finding Shraddha, a worried expression took over his face "Jalebi Where are you?" He asked in the darkness as he looked around "Jalebi!" He called again on not seeing her.

"Jalebi!" He whispered in the air as the possibilities of what could happen to her came running in his mind and he shook his head and unknown feeling gripping his heart, the one that he was quite familiar with. He was scared, scared of her well being. He has felt it before with Sia, but his princess was with Aavyansh and he was sure she was safe but Where did his Jalebi go. It made sense why he was so protective around Sia, She was his bestfriend/sister and he loved her more than anything but Why was his heart beating so fast for Shradhha, He just met her, 'she is your bestfriend's sister.' he spoke trying to calm himself as his conscious mocked him 'Are you sure that's the only reason?'

He ignored it for now, because God damn! If anything happened to his Jalebi he would never be able to forgive himself. Wait! His Freckles? Something is definitely wrong with him.

"Jalebi Where are you? Just call out my name once." He frantically looked around again and again calling her names but he could still not see her "Jalebi! Please call me out just once."

Suddenly his eyes went on an shiny object fallen on the ground and he gulped as he felt all the colours draining his face cause there was red coloured liquid splattered all around it. He knew it could be fake blood, for God's sake they were inside an spooky Ghosts maze but right at this moment, ye couldn't exactly think straight.

He gulped audibly as he shakily picked up the Bracelet, he recognised it as Shradhha's cause he has earlier seen her wearing it. It was now covered in the red liquid, looking exactly like blood. He gulped afraid to even check if the blood was real.

"Jalebi!" He slowly whispered, as his hands trembled knowing the bracelet was indeed hers. He didn't want to think any further as he wished for her to appear in front of him from anywhere.

"Boo!" Someone suddenly screamed in his ear, he turned around totally taken aback. There stood Shraddha right in front of him, her hands hanging in the air as she looked at him with a mocking expression. A relieved sigh escaped his lips almost instantly as he assessed her searching for any injury.

His eyes still had the element of fear present in them, worry itching over his features "Jalebi!" He whispered, suddenly taking her in a tight hug, taking her by surprise.

She stood there awkwardly and confused but nonetheless hugged him back realising that he needed some assurance. "I thought.. I thought som-something happened to you. Where were you?" He stated in a soft worried voice as he broke the hug and grabbed her by her shoulders once again checking her for any injure if present.

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