Chapter 35: Pranks and chase

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"Congrats duh! You are the Headgirl." I squealed taking Shraddha in a tight hug.

"Well! Congrats Congrats, my Vice Headgirl." I flashed her all my 28 teeths as she chuckled at my antics and we once again dived our heads on the softboard to check who is the Head boy and the Vice Head boy.

"Shaurya is the Cultural secretary." Shraddha spoke pointing at his name.

"Hm that's what he applied for," I paused while sweeping my eyes in the list, "Aavyansh is the Head boy, Yay!" We both looked at each other giving each other a high five, We then went downstairs to the Meeting room to know about the Felicitation ceremony.

We had to practice for it so that the previous year batch holder could give us the batch in front of all the students in the Auditorium and be honoured with their certificate and the Medal for completing their duty so nicely.

"Where is Vidya Ma'am?" One of the students questioned as I noticed Asmita, she was selected for the house captain of peace house. I was in the hope house but not that it will matter now, the office bearers are supposed to be in white House, excluding the House captains and the vice - captains

We are only to wear our blue uniforms, The Saturday uniform is no more. Unfortunately I will miss it but who cares. I get to wear the batch. We congratulated both Vihaan - The captain of the hope house and Asmita too as we sat beside Aavyansh and Shaurya.

"One of the student is arguing with her for not being selected as the Headgirl or the Vice Head girl." The Peace house Prefect Sanaya spoke up grasping our attention as we all peeped in to get the deatails.

"Woahh! Who does that?" I asked surprised as she grinned excitedly. Ahh! These gossips.

"Apparently she got the batch of Grooming incharge, but she argues that she is more deserved than you..." She paused looking around as she pointed at me and all the others looked at me too, "to be the Vice head girl." She finished.

I gave her a baffled look, "Uh... Well, did I offend someone?" I questioned breaking the silence as I found everyone staring at me intently.

"Who is the girl?" Shraddha asked narrowing her eyes as Sanaya shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know her name, it's a girl from your Class only." I looked at her to elaborate but that's all she knew apparently when the girl beside her jumped in her seat, "It's the same girl who posted Aavyansh's pic, remember her?" She poked Sanaya as we all gave her shocked look and looked at Aavyansh.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her as Aavyansh shrugged his shoulders at me, telling me he had no idea about it.

"Who posted his picture and when?" I asked her in a serious tone this time. She can take my batch for all I care if she thinks she is so deserving.

Who the hell is she to post Aavyansh's or anyone's pic for that matter without their knowledge and permission?

"Offhoo, I can't seem to remember her name." The girl clutched her eyes as she tried to remember the name, "Yes it starts with A.." she spoke suddenly, as I looked at her dumbfounded.

What's the name seriously? But before she could say anything else the door opened as we all looked towards Vidya Ma'am entering the room with a irritated look followed in by a frustrated Ahana.

"Ma'am I am telling you it must have been a mistake to..." She stopped as Vidya Ma'am paused in her spot and turned to look at her more like direct a glare towards her and she cut her sentence off noticing all of us sitting in the room.

"Yes! That's her." The girl sitting beside Sanaya whispered to us as I squinted my eyes at Ahana.

"I told you about it once Ahana, if you want to be the grooming incharge, well and good, if you don't want we have other students waiting to be in your shoes so now excuse me." With that Vidya Ma'am went behind her table and sat down as Ahana huffed looking frustrated.

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