Chapter 39: Confessions

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I followed him to his walking closet, a plea on my lips that I hoped he would finally consider. Ansh had always been the one who could make my heart race and my words falter. But today, I had a request that was hard to put into words.

"Ansh, ek baar usse mil to le?" (Ansh you can atleast meet her once) I asked, my voice tinged with earnestness. He glanced up from what he was doing, his brow furrowing.

"Sia, I said no, right? Don't make me repeat myself." He replied firmly, his eyes conveying a sense of finality.

I couldn't give up that easily. "Ansh, please," I implored, "She really likes you a lot."

Ansh sighed, looking torn between frustration and sympathy. "Sia, no," he said, his gaze returning to whatever he was occupied with. "Now go, the others are calling you."

I knew I was pushing my luck, but uff! I can't just say no to Ritika. Uff! Why do all the girls try to make me their matchmaker, I don't even want him to meet her though.

"Can you please meet her once?" I insisted, my voice pleading.

Ansh shook his head picking out his favorite jacket from the wardrobe and then keeping it back as he firmly, repeated, "Sia, I said na no."

Frustration bubbled up within me as I followed him to his shoe rack section, "You can't even do that much for me?"

He sighed, his tone resolute as he glance at me, "Not this, Sia, not this time."

I wasn't ready to give up. "Oh, come on, please."

Ansh remained adamant, "No."

I pressed on following him back to his room, "But she really likes you, and she's very cute."

Ansh held his ground. "I said no!"

I took a deep breath, determined to change his mind "And I said yes."

Exasperated, Ansh replied, "You're unnecessarily stubborn."

I persisted, "Just meet her once. If you don't like her, then don't go ahead."

Ansh's voice remained unyielding, "I'm not interested."

"You'll be once you meet her," I argued. "She's totally your type."

Ansh turned to look at me, his curiosity piqued. "My type?"

He took a step closer, as I gulped taking a step back, my heart racing. "Yes."

He moved even closer, forcing me to move back, making me nervous. "Are you sure?"

I fumbled with my words, but determination fueled me. "Of course I am."

We locked eyes for a moment, and I ventured further, "I know you and your type best. I know I'm not wrong. Besides, you don't like anyone, so you should try at least meeting her once."

"Oh, really?" Ansh inquired, stepping closer to me, making my nervousness intensify. I tried to speak up, to say something, but he interrupted me, seemingly considering my suggestion.

"Should I?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

I stammered, "Hmm, you, you should, you totally should."

As we stood in silence, the tension between us was palpable. Ansh looked down at me, and I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks flush.

"Ansh I... you, I need to..." I began, but Ansh cut me off, his eyes fixed on mine.

"What is my type?" he questioned.

I blinked, shocked by the directness of his inquiry. "Hmm?"

"My type," he repeated,

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