Chapter 19: Nakchada v/s Shyapaqueen

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Waking up today was a hassle, my head was pounding unnecessary. Well! Not unnecessarily but goodness can someone stop this. "Here, have it!' Shraddha spoke forwarding me the medicine and a glass of water as I squinted my eyes at it.

"Is this necessary?" I grimaced at the thought of having to gulp down the bitter medicine.

"Should I call Aavyansh here?" She glared at me narrowing her eyes as I pouted at her. "Sia, it's not going to work with me." She shook her head as I huffed "Ok fine!" Grimacing at the medicine I hurriedly kept it in my mouth and gulped it with water.

Shraddha smiled at me keeping the glass on the bedside table and sat beside me.

"I told you to not watch dramas all night!" She scolded as I made a child face at her to escape the scolding "But I didn't watch them whole night." I blinked my eyes at her innocently.

"Yeah Sia you slept at 5:30 that too after I dragged you to the bed myself." She stated in a mocking tone raising her eyebrows at me as I gave her a sheepish smile.

"Are you feeling good now?" She asked, concern itched on her face as I nodded. I felt better now.

"Ok, I have taken out your clothes, go take a bath and I will set breakfast by then." She warmly said as I passed her a small smile and she left the room after checking if I had a fever which fortunately I didn't.

After taking a cold shower, and taking my swee time in getting ready, I finally went outside my room and as soon as I did, I came face o face with a rushed Shraddha as she gave me a glass of juice and made me sit on he dining table ordering me to have it, while she rushed here and there doing God knows what.

"Why did you take so much time, Shaurya is waiting downstairs, he is going to kill me." She mumbled as I realised just what time it was and that Shaurya was waiting for us.

"Oops! Sorry, It completely slipped of my mind, let's go." I said getting up from my chair as she glared at me.

"We are not going anywhere until you finish your breakfast." She stated glaring down at me as I pouted at her drinking the juice in one go and the got up taking the sandwich in my hand.

"I will eat this in the car." I spoke as she shook her head. "Umhmm You will finish it first." She stated in a don't argue me tone.

"I promise I will finish it, but we are getting late. In the car please." I gave her my best puppy face. She stated at me for a minute and then reluctantly gave a nod.

"Ok!" As soon as she said yes, I smiled at her showing her all my teeths and picked up both of our bags from our room while she locked the room.

I passed her the bags and the Sandwich and wore my shoes. She passed me the sandwich one I sanitised my hands and we both went to the Elevator.

Tere seemed to be something in my shoes, a pebble or something, so I slowed down, crouching down to get it out.

I looked up to find Shaurya waiting for us inside his car whe Shraddha stood by the car waiting for me.

"Don't worry, she is okay, just a little headache because she was watching cartoons all night." I heard her say to a worried Shaurya.

"I didn't watch em all night, it was just until 5:30 in the morning." I spoke pouting at them as Shaurya glared at me "You don't listen to me right? I will have to tell Dad about it after all." He spoke giving me an unbothered grin causing my eyes to widen "You can not, you can't do that, You won't tell Baba about it." I warned him mustering up the nastiest glare I could as He looked at me amused "Try me!"

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