Chapter 12: The titles

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Author's pov

"All the nominees to be on the stage please." They all heard the host say as everyone started shuffling and all the nominees of the awards went to the backstage including Sia, Aavyansh, Shraddha and Shaurya.

The lot included Rahul, Ahana, Ishita, Asmita, Kanchan, Kumud, Rohan, and Shyam, Rohit, Harshit, Deepika. They all looked at each other.
There were just 6 titles and 16 people that meant their response to the question asked to them is what will decide whether they won or not.

"Hi guys," Rohan greeted the four with a cheerful smile as the four greeted him back. He was dressed up as Karan from Mohabbatein and it quite suited him.

"I knew you four will definitely make it in." He complimented them as his eyes lingered a bit longer on Shraddha. He too was on the football team and was well known to Sia, Aavyansh and Shaurya as he has known them since kindergarten. It wasn't a big deal that Sia introduced him to Shraddha too. Asmita and Vihaan too knew them since they been friends since the first grade.

"What we didn't expect was for you to make it in." Asmita remarked teasing him as he made a offended face pouting at her as Vihaan, her boyfriend added in a teasing tone "Don't tease him Asmita, he is still a little child." The group giggled as they high-fied to each other.

Sia smiled as she said "You did too Mister, so make sure to win." He nodded, giving her a bow as he spoke "I will try my best."

He looked at Shradhha who returned a genuine smile to him as he asked "No congratulation?" She playfully shook her head at him as he winked at her "Don't worry, I surely will." Shaurya looked between both of them annoyed as he muttered "Now when did Jalebi and he become such good friends?"

All of them entered on the stage as the Spotlights fell on them.

The first ones called to be on the stage was Shraddha as she was proudly honoured for being the top fresher Student scoring the top scores in the entrance Exam. The next was Rohan as he got the title of the funniest dressed up. He happily accepted his medal and stood beside Shraddha on the stage. Aavyansh easily got the best student award and then Aavyansh and Sia scored another award today for the best dance performance.

Next came Kumud who easily won the 'Songbird' a title give to the best singer. And Shaurya got the all rounder of the year.

"Sia, Asmita and Ahana to come please come forward with your Partners please." The host finally announced waiting for the Bollywood title nominees to step forward.

Everyone hooted as the contestants stepped forward waiting for the result. The Bollywood king and Queen were selected on the basis of the students votes but also on a particular question asked to them which was basically about what look they took up and what was their inspiration behind it.

"Where is your Partner Miss Malhotra?" The teacher asked as soon as Ahana entered without a partner "He will be here in a minute." She replied giving them a small smile as Her partner Ruhan entered and stood beside her in a normal Tshirt and trouser, the crowd started murmuring a bit realising they both weren't matching.

"So Asmita and Vihaan, Who is your inspiration for today's look and your reason behind it?" The teacher asked the first pair as they both looked at them smiling and replied with confident faces.

Asmita looked at Vihaan who nodded at her as they both took the Mike and Asmita spoke "There are honestly alot of things that the particular movie taught us. No only was 'Kabhi khushi, kabhi gham' a hit movie but also a magnificent gift to all of us which can be watched anytime if you want to have a family time in theatre, The movie is one of the best that Bollywood provided us with. Nowadays, they have started exploring and trying new genres which is good but they have forgotten thier originality and that's why we chose this movie which defines Bollywood really well."

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