Chapter 40: Pre boards and Anxiety

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The school's hallways buzzed with anxiety and anticipation. Afterall it was our final year, and the first pre-board results had taken over our lives. I had always been a good student, but this year felt different. A newfound dream had ignited a fire within me - I was pretty certain by now that I wanted to be a Doctor, hell I even told it to everyone that day itself and everyone supported me in my dream which was a big thing. Especially Baba and Ansh.

Every day was a relentless cycle of classes, notes, and Neet coaching. From the early morning hours until late into the night, I was consumed by textbooks and study materials. The weight of my aspirations bore down on me heavily, but it also gave me an opportunity to avoid Ansh.

Although what occupied my thoughts most was still Ansh, and our conversation that day. He had confessed his feelings for me, it still felt so surreal, he likes me, like really wala likes me and it had sent my world into a whirlwind. I had feelings for him too, strong ones, but fear had me in its grip.

I was terrified that if Ansh and I took our friendship to a romantic level, it would somehow shatter the beautiful bond we shared. We have always been best friend, insperable since our childhood and this, this was something that I really wasn't able to figure out. It wasn't that I didn't want to be with him; it was because I valued what we had so much that I didn't want to risk losing it.

Avoiding Ansh was my feeble attempt at self-preservation, but it was tearing me apart. Each day that passed without our usual interactions felt like an eternity. I missed him terribly, but I couldn't find the courage to face the depth of our emotions. Although that wasn't gonna be for long, I know Ansh has just been giving me the time I need, otherwise me trying to avoid him never works, especially when he looks at me with those eyes... uh! Shit up Sia, you are so in love.

After an exhausting afternoon, I decided to visit Baba, my body and mind drained from hours of relentless studying. I reached home to find him in the living room, engrossed in his newspaper. His presence offered a comforting sanctuary, a place where I could unburden my thoughts.

I slumped into the sofa beside him, tears of exhaustion and frustration threatening to spill over. Baba closed the newspaper keeping it aside as he looked at me, concern taking over his face as he noticed me being tired.

"Baba," I sighed, "I don't know how much more I can take. Pre-board results have pushed me to my limits."

He poured me a glass of water, his eyes full of understanding, as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Sia, you're strong, and I believe in your dream to become a doctor. You'll do great in the pre-boards."

His words were like a soothing balm to my weary soul. "Thanks, Baba," I said, my voice cracking with gratitude. "I needed to hear that today."

"I also wanted to tell you something," I spoke as he looked at me,  his eyes crinkling into a warm smile. "Of course, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath, my heart racing. "It's about Ansh."

My father leaned forward, his expression attentive. "Ansh? Is something wrong?"

I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. "He... he confessed his feelings for me."

My father's brows furrowed in surprise. "He did?"

Baba, always the voice of reason, leaned back in his chair. "Well, that's quite a revelation."

A teasing glint passed his eyes as he spoke, "To Yash se haath maang loon fir mai?" (Then should I ask for his hand from Yash?)

"Baba!" I exclaimed pretending to be mad as he tried to tease me, "Rishta acha hai, mai to khta hoon pakka krwa dete hai!" I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement as I gave him a nod.

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