Chapter 36: The decision

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The air in the living room was tense, thick with anticipation and a hint of anger. The house help had offered the tea to everyone and all of them left the family alone in the living room, but no one seemed interested in sipping tea from their cups. Yash, sat at the head of the room, his face etched with anger while his mother, Malini Raichand flashed concern towards everyone confused as to why suddenly the cheery ambience changed into a serious one.

Aavyansh and Shaurya were handed the responsibility of looking after the youngsters mainly Jyestha and Veer so that they don't come downstairs.

Vansh was the center of attention. He had always been a jovial figure in the family, but today, he looked disheveled and uneasy. Kiara sat in front of him, her eyes red from crying.

Yash cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Vansh we need to talk about what's been going on," he said, his voice stern.

Vansh shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. "What's there to talk about?" he mumbled.

Jahnvi, spoke up, her voice filled with disappointment. "We know about your affair Vansh, this isn't what we expect from you."

Malini gasped at the revelation as she looked up at her son Yash who nodded at her, his eyes looking down in shame.

Malini chimed in, her anger evident. "Is he saying the truth Vansh?"

"I... I," Vansh stammered not able to form any words as the later looked down at him with disappointment.

Tears welled up in Kiara's eyes as she looked at her Vansh, "Vansh, I thought we had something special. How could you do this to me?"

Rajveer had remained silent until now, but he couldn't hold back any longer. "Vansh," he began, "you've always been like a brother to me. But what you've done is wrong. It's not just about you having an extra marital affair, it's about you cheating on Kiara!"

He paused walking towards her as he tried to provide her comfort while she held on Jahnvi for support.

"I have no idea what your reason for this was, but honestly none of need to know too, because this can't be excused." He spoke piercing Vansh with his glare.

Vansh finally met Rajveer's gaze, and guilt washed over him. "I know I messed up, Rajveer. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Yash spoke firmly, "We wouldn't have been here to judge you but what you did is shameful. You need to realise the gravity of your actions." Vansh looked down in shame, as he tried to say something but Jahnvi interrupted him.

"Why are we even sitting here and talking like this, Vansh you cheated on her. If you don't love her anymore, you should have just talked to her about it, maybe get a divorce but how could you betray her like this." Everyone looked at her in shock but they knew she was speaking the truth.

The room fell silent again, the weight of the situation sinking in. Vansh hung his head, realizing the gravity of his actions. "You're right," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "I am sorry, I need to make things right, starting with Kiara."

Kiara wiped away her tears, "You should have just told me that you didn't love me anymore." Her voice broke as Vansh looked at her in remorse, "No Kia, I love you, I don't have anything to say to excuse my actions but I love you, I always have Kiara."

Malini spoke up, her voice trembling with anger. "You've betrayed Kiara and your children, How could you do this?"

Tears fell from Kiara's eyes as she stared at Vansh. "I thought we had a life together, a family. How could you destroy it like this?"

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