Chapter 18: Oberois

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"Come-on jalebi or the Jalebis my Dad prepared for you will get cold." He spoke taking of his sunglasses as I crouched down to the window level and gave him a sheepish smile, "I am sorry, we got a little late, but it was purely because of Sia." I motioned to Sia who was behind me barely surviving another fall as she literally stumbled on the air while she struggled with her earings.

"She is going to get herself injured." He mumbled shaking his head as I raised my hand to show him the Sandwich I was holding in my hands "And she didn't had her breakfast, but I can't let her go without eating anything because she is unwell."

He looked at Sia and then at me and repeated the process as his expressions morphed into concern "Don't worry, she is okay, just a little headache because she was watching cartoons all night."

"I didn't watch em all night, it was just until 5:30 in the morning." We heard her say as she gave us a pout and Shaurya glared at her "You don't listen to me right? I will have to tell Dad about it after all." He spoke giving her an unbothered grin as Sia's eyes widened "You can not, you can't do that, You won't tell Baba about it." She spoke in a warning tone mustering up the nastiest glare she could as Shaurya looked at her amused "Try me!"

She huffed audibly opening the backdoor "Okay I wouldn't do it again."

"That's Better!" He smirked as she got in the backseat, taking the Sandwich from my hands she glared at his back "I won't talk to you too, take me to Jhanvi Aunty's because I wouldn't come with you too, and I wouldn't sit beside you too." She complained taking a bite of her sandwich while gritting her teeth at him as I and Shaurya looked at her amused and he gestured me to get in.

Controlling my laugh, I got in beside her as Shaurya started the Car.

It was only after a few minutes and when Sia's sandwich was finished that she started talking to us, forgetting all about being angry at Shaurya.

"Tell Baba I would come with Ansh later on, I need to meet him first, we had an argument yesterday." She informed Shaurya as she got out of the car and he nodded at her "Your Baba is seriously angry on you because you haven't visited him since so long, I wouldn't help you in convincing him to forgive you this time." Shaurya grinned at her as she stuck her tongue out at him "My baba wouldn't stay mad at me for long, I don't need your help."

"Yeah you certainly don't!" He mimicked her earning another glare from her as she looked at me "Punch him in the face for me." She spoke gesturing at Shaurya as a chuckle left my lips and I gave her a thumbs up.

Waving her hands at us she entered the Raichand mansion while we drove off to the Oberois.

As soon as we entered through the giant doors, I was once again taken aback from the beauty that the Mansion held. A butler welcomed us in, it was alot similar to the Raichand mansion from the outside but from the inside it has more of a vintage look while the Raichand mansion had modern look.

Shaurya gave me a tour first, since Uncle wasn't home, According to Hari kaka, one of the helpers, he has gone out to get the Cat checked.

The mansion has more 20 rooms, 2 swimming pools, one of which was on the rooftop too just like the Raichands.

"I don't really stay here much if Dad isn't home. It gets too lonely." He spoke leaning against the Balcony as I stood there facing him.

"Is it only you then?" I questioned looking around thinking about him being all alone in this big house. I can't even imagine. I mean it's pretty and everything but still.

"Not really, the househelp stays here permanently in the Servants quarter." He answered as I nodded in realisation "Apart from them?"

"Well! Sia was here with me and if she is with you, you can't be left alone." He said gesturing at the house as he looked at me "But since she moved out, it gets too boring here so I most stay at Aavyansh's." He spoke getting away from the wall and walking ahead as I followed him.

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