Chapter 47: While you were sleeping.

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One year later

As the plane touched down at the Blackwood's private Airport, Sia's heart fluttered with excitement. She glanced at Shaurya, who seemed to be equally thrilled. They had been counting down the days until this moment - the moment they would reunite with Aavyansh and Shraddha in Newyork.

The last time they visited was a year ago and then all of them had gotten even busier with their studies. Shaurya had graduated this year and Sia too has got her holidays so they decided to make the best of it.

Stepping off the plane and into the quite terminal, the duo were immediately immersed in the city's vibrant energy. As soon as they came out, the click-clack of heels on the polished floor, the murmur of excited travelers, and the ever-present aroma of coffee from a nearby café filled the air.

With the guards on tow Sia and Shaurya made their way to the Car where a familiar figure awaited them. It was Adrian, his eyes lighting up as he spotted them. He rushed forward, sweeping both of them into a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much," he softly spoke as both of them nodded hugging him back.

They both sat in the car as Adrian spoke, "You have no idea how excited we are to have you both here."

The car ride was filled with laughter, stories, and shared moments, passing iconic landmarks like The Times square.

The car soon reached Evandale and the giant doors opened welcoming them inside.

Sia's nervousness finally settled back as she thought of coming face to face with Aavyansh. After what happened a year ago, she had ignored him, more like they didn't get enough time to sit and talk everything out, neither the situation and not their feelings.

All she remembered right now was how they bid their farewell to everyone as they all returned to India.
She also gifted Aavyansh the ring she had of her mother as a parting gift.

Heck! Did he even keep the ring with himself? He had told her that he will come back and even though she was refusing to face her feelings right now, he will make sure that she accepts what she feels.

As their dorm room descended closer, her heartbeat increased further. She couldn't help but replay Aavyansh's words in her mind. Would he still feel the same way after all this time?

They could feel the eyes on them, they had visited a few times before and everyone obviously recognised them.

'Isn't that guy Shraddha's boyfriend?' 'Oh my god he is so handsome.' 'He is a famous painter at such a young age.'
'And that girl with them?' 'That's Sia, Aavyansh's girlfriend.' 'She is pretty.' 'Ohh So she is the one because of whom he never looks at someone else.'

They both could hear the hushed voice as they followed Adrian and he told her all about the incidents they missed.

Sia's heart raced. Shaurya's stomach too was in knots as he waited for them to reach the dorm.

Asher opened the door and ushered the three of them inside. He too had not been the same after Vanessa's death three years ago but with his friends by his side he managed to come out of that phase.

They both hugged him tightly as he greeted them back.

Sia's eyes scanned the living room for Aavyansh as Shraddha came in view and gave her a tight hug. She too hugged her back realising just how much she missed her.

Shraddha then looked at Shaurya who picked her up in his arms and twirled her around happily. He had written her 10 letters in the past three years and had bought the 11th one along.

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