Chapter 10: The Bollywood day

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My alarm rang bringing me out of my sweet sleep. Geez! Is it 8 already? I don't want to wake up just yet. I took a pillow and covered my face with it when I heard a knock on my door.

"Sia open the door." I heard Shraddha's voice as I spoke in a muffled voice "Just five more minutes."

"Sia that's what you spoke when I came an hour ago and it's 10 not 8."

My eyes widened at her voice. "What? it's 10, Oh my god! We are late." I spoke hastily getting up as she opened the door from outside since it wasn't locked and came in.

"Relax! We don't have classes today. Bollywood day! Remember?" She stated picking up the pillow that fell down from my bed when I got up, and sat beside me.

"Oh Yep. I totally forgot." I spoke nodding at her as she passed me a smile.

"So your date?" I asked because I need to confirm it "My date?" She raised her eyebrows as I nodded. "Did you get someone to be your date to the prom?" She made a sad face looking at me as she shook her head.

"I don't know. No one asked me and when I tried to approach them, they ran away from me like they will catch a plague from me. Is there something wrong with me?" She pouted at me as I tried to control my giggle and tried to act cool.

Shaking my head I told her "Umhmm. There definitely isn't. And besides it's their loss." I tried to be as convincing as I could. If only she knew that so many boys planned to ask her out but it was Shaurya who was going around the whole college telling everyone that Shradhha was off-limits. A chuckle left my mouth as she looked up at me and I shook my head at her.

"Whatever atleast I have you." She spoke, a smile making it's way on her face as she hugged me and so did I.

"I have got you a date but." She looked at me raising her eyebrows as I gave her a smirk.

"Don't worry you will see." She just shrugged her shoulder at my mysterious smile as her phone rang "Oh my God! It's Dad." She spoke looking at me as she motioned for me to keep quite and picked up the call.

"Hello.." She spoke waiting for a response. "Namaste Papa, How have you been?" Shradhha asked as she looked at me biting her lips and I blinked my eyes at her and mouthed to her "Relax! Who is gonna tell him we were sleeping till late." She just nodded at me.

"Yes papa," No! I was just doing some assignments."

"Yes totally."

"Oh, Yes. I will visit soon, as the semester will be over."

"Yes Papa, Sia is here as well." She looked up at me as I squeezed her hand and she passed me the phone "He wants to talk to you."

I nodded as I took the phone from her "Hi Uncle." I greeted him as he did the same.

"Is Shradhha being a lot of trouble?" He asked softly

Stifling a chuckle at his question I politely replied "No Uncle. She hasn't. Infact she is much better than me. She takes care of me just like an elder sister."

"You don't have to defend her. I know..." I cut him off, knowing he might scold her later, "No Uncle. I am not defending her, and I would tell you if we get a problem."

"Yes. Do so and take care of both of you. She is irresponsible but I expect better from you." I shook my head at his statement as Shradhha tried to control her giggle seeing my annoyed expression and I wished bye to him as he hung up the phone because He has some guests.

"Duh! I swear sometimes I feel Dad is too harsh on me" Shraddha spoke as I gave her a faint smirk "Should we block him?" She smiled giving me a slight shook of her head, "He isn't that bad." I nodded knowing that was true.

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